Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to Phoebe

5 August 2004

“Oneiro is an illness which allows the person to dream and make those dreams come true. It is a lifetime illness which can be controlled with the correct prescription.” Dr Peyton was on the phone with his friend, Dr Tom Evans.

This is interesting… He rubbed his chin.

“Tell me more, Tom,” Dr Evans was a neuroscientist in the UK. He was very close to Dr Peyton as they graduated from the same college.

“Sorry, Ethan, I can’t. There is very little information and that’s all I know,” Tom apologised.

Ethan heard someone talking to Tom.

“Sorry man, I gotta go. Talk to you sometime. If there is any new information, I’ll let you know.”

“No problem, man. Thanks,” And the line went dead. Ethan put down the phone.

He put his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair.

Oneiro, eh? Hmm… Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone’s dreams will come true. Kids will get their toys. Adults will be rich. And everyone will thank me in the end. I’ll be the world’s superhero!

Ethan grinned at that thought. Just then, an idea formed in his head.

I’ve got it! How about I build a wishing machine? I will need an Oneiroist and I will place him or her in the machine. Brilliant!

With his newfound goal, Ethan set up straight and began to draw his design.


7 August 2004

“I miss them so much and I know that they will be forever in our hearts. May Mason and Emily Blue rest in peace, Amen,” Lisa had cried throughout her speech and returned to her seat. Her husband was next to her as he put his arm around her, putting her head on his shoulders.

Jaden was at his parent’s burial. He looked at his parent’s tombstones. On his mother’s, it read, “In loving memory of Emily Blue, February 21, 1969 – August 3, 1999.” On his father’s, it read, “In loving memory of Mason Blue, November 24, 1968- August 3, 1999” Both of theirs had the same epitaphs. They said, “Always in our hearts”. After the day his parents died, Jaden had become quiet. He hadn’t talk for days. He felt lonely, that no one will love him like his parents. Nothing would be the same for him anymore. That day was going to be the day he would be moving to Isabella and Sam’s house.

He was thinking about his memories with his parents. All the times filled with joy and laughter, were now gone. His life was now filled with sadness and sorrow.

Just then, he heard the lady behind him talking with her friend, not that he wanted to eavesdrop or anything but she talked too loud. It was inevitable.

“Poor child, his parents had died in a car crash and he had to be an orphan at such a young age!”

“I know right, it was so unfortunate. They crashed into a tree and they died on the spot. I’ve heard that the cause of the accident was a punctured tire.” Her friend said with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

Jaden did not know what was “orphan” meant but car crash? And they crashed into a tree?

His dream came into mind in an instant.





Jaden came back to reality.

It is like the LEGO dream I’ve had!

He continued thinking.

I dreamt of it and it happened. Is it possible to happen again?

Did I make Mummy and Daddy die?


9 August 2004

It had been 2 days since the funeral. Living at Isabella and Sam’s house for Jaden, it was not so fine. They seemed to be odd though. They did not interact much with Jaden and he didn’t care to talk to them too. All he did everyday was to eat, breathe, sleep and drink. Because of his behaviour, he was sent to a psychologist by the social services. His name was Dr Wayne Roberts and he was only 22.

“Hi Jaden, How are you? I’m Dr Roberts, but you can just call me Wayne.”

“…” Jaden did not want to look at him, let alone talk to him.

“Don’t be shy, Jaden, I’m here to help you, you can trust me.” Wayne extended his hand.

Jaden hadn’t been comforted these days. Isabella and Sam do not care about him. They looked at him in disgust. Especially, Uncle Sam, who blamed Jaden for his brother’s death.

Jaden accepted Wayne’s concern and shook his hand softly but retrieved it straight away.

Wayne smiled. “So, Jaden, how are you feeling?”

Should I tell him how I feel? “Fine.” It was barely a whisper.

Wayne raised his eyebrow.

Jaden said softly. “Not fine. No one loves me anymore.”

Wayne was shocked. “That’s not true! You just need to accept us, that’s all.”

Jaden was crying hysterically by then. “No! You’re wrong! Aunt Lisa don’t want me. Aunt Isabella and Uncle don’t talk to me and…my parents are gone now… They were special to me, I miss them so much! I want them back…”

Wayne realised that Jaden was opening up so he kept quiet.



“I think I killed Mummy and Daddy.”

After listening to Jaden’s story, Wayne was at a loss of words. According to Jaden’s report, the car crash was exactly like how Jaden described.

“Jaden, I think you have an illness called Oneiro.”

“Oh what ro? What’s that?”

Wayne chuckled. “It’s Oneiro, Jaden. It is when people dream and their dreams come true. I’ve learnt about it when I was studying. You’re 1 of the few people in the world who has it. “

“What? I don’t want it, Wayne. It caused me to make my parents die. It’s awful.” Jaden whimpered.

Wayne’s heart softened. “Jaden, you did not kill your parents. It is not your fault. No one can control Oneiro. No one.”

Jaden gave a sad smile.

“Don’t worry, Jaden. We’re get through this, together. We are gonna be friends forever from now on, okay? Pinky promise?” Wayne extended his pinky.

 “Pinky promise,” Jaden whispered as he hooked his pinky over Wayne’s.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Don't forget to vote or comment or whatever. Hehe. Sorry for any errors and I do hope you want more of this (: 

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