Chapter Thirteen

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Kate knew that it was inappropriate to block her captor out. However, she could not withstand the incessant rant about her kidnapper's life. Apparently, he got bored and decided to talk to Kate, even though he never told her his name.

If your life is so terrible, then you might as well just end it. I can do it for you for free...

Letting her dark thoughts to consume her wasn't the right time but she could not help it. She was seething with rage, she should be at Dr Collins' house at that moment and yet she was wasting her time there. She was tired, hungry and thirsty and there was no sign of Jaden, David or Agent Vega anywhere. She sighed.

Jaden, David and Agent Vega, where the hell are you?


Jaden walked around in circles, thinking of a way to locate Kate. Meanwhile, David was picking up tiny pebbles and threw them across the floor. Agent Vega was lying on a bench, staring into space.

Just then, a phone rang. That made everyone jump and alert. Agent Vega picked up his phone and answered the call. So, it was his phone that rang.

"Hello?" Agent Vega put his phone on loud speaker so that Jaden and Dave could listen in to their conversation.

"If you want to save Kate, I want Jaden in exchange. I will send you the address and ask Jaden to go there alone. Do not follow him, I have people spying on you. Don't try anything funny." It was a weird voice, Jaden was unable to tell if the person was a male or female.

Agent Vega had no choice but to comply. "Okay, Jaden will go."

At this point, Jaden's mouth was wide open. He then gestured widely at Agent Vega, silently screaming at him, "Are you crazy?"

The person ended the call and Jaden lost his mind. "What do you think you're doing, Agent Vega? You are basically sending me to death!"

"Of course not, you idiot. We will inject a tracker device on you and track you down on my phone," Agent Vega explained.

"Then why didn't you inject it into Kate too?" Dave asked.

Agent Vega's face went bright red. "I..I forgot."

Dave gave him a death stare and rolled his eyes. "That's so responsible of you."

At this moment, the phone buzzed and sure enough, there was an address.

Jaden said firmly with determination in his eyes, "Let's go, there's no time to lose."

If  I want to save Kate, I need to make a sacrifice. Even if it is about risking my life, I have to do it.

Author's Note: Happy New Year, guys! Sorry for the very late update and so here's a new chapter! YAY! *throws confetti everywhere*

Also, please check out my book, Thrilling. Horror. Evil.

Vote and comment! Seriously, I've been waiting for a second comment for half a year :(

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