Chapter 2

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Six years later

Harry is now seventeen and in his sixth year at Hogwarts. Frustratingly he has had no such luck in getting any closer to Draco Malfoy besides the mutual knowing of names. His years at Hogwarts have flown by without him knowing it and Harry will be damned if he lets another year go by without at least getting to personally know Draco.

His first year there, Harry was able to spot and catch up with his angel that was being bumped into and pushed out of the way by all of the students leaving the hall at the end of the feast. He was trying not to explode then and there, how dare these annoying gits lay their filthy hands on what is mine!

By the time Harry had reached his little love he was ready to hex every single person that had come even a hairs breath away from what he deemed his. His thunderous fury was soon calmed once the grey-eyed angel had turned his attention to Harry who, to the timid thing, seemed too close. Harry gave his best smile, one that felt strange to be on his face for he couldn't even remember the last time he had done such a thing. But next to his little love, he couldn't help it.

Draco was internally freaking out. Isn't this The Boy Who Lived? Why is he here? Does he want something from me? Maybe he wants to be friends? Who am I kidding, who would want to be friends with a weak person like me? Draco's thoughts had went from panic to self-loathing instantaneously.

Harry was at first amused by the awe and confusion written on his little love's face, but was soon angry at the self-depreciating look and sound that came from his lips. Harry would soon realize, from his years of watching, that the self-depreciation is something that never went away and never strayed too far from Draco's mind.

Having noticed that his angel was internally freaking out and most likely too anxious to say anything, Harry decided to make the first move to talk. "Hello I'm Harry Potter, what's your name love?" Harry had significantly softened his voice from its usual cold and distant tone, he would never talk to the beauty standing in front of him in anything but a soft and loving one.

The questions swirling around in his mind finally disappeared when Draco processed what the handsome, tall, and older-looking boy in front of him had stated and asked. Draco recognized that the boy told him his name and had asked for his, but the only thing he could truly process was that the boy had called him love. Isn't that term reserved for people you actually love? Someone you cherish? We don't even know each other, maybe he meant to say something else? Little did he know that in Harry's mind Draco was already his and no one would get in Harry Potter's way of what was his. Not even Draco himself. Draco finally processed what Harry had said and, with a blush adorning his cheeks, replied with a shy
"Draco Malfoy."

Harry couldn't believe the amount of innocence and overall adorableness that was pouring out of Draco in waves. While Harry was openly staring, thinking of all the ways he was going to have to ward off people of what was his, Draco was shyly looking down. His hands were clasped behind his back and his blush had spread even farther on his cheeks, heating up his face. Draco felt a finger lifting his chin and he was soon staring into soft, striking, forest-green eyes.
"That's a lovely name sweetheart."

It was with that statement that Draco realized how close they were. They were toe to toe, noses almost brushing. Harry's hot breath was fanning his face. Draco's anxiety came crashing down full force. His breathing sped up and his hands started to get clammy. It felt as if the whole world was watching him, waiting for him to crash and burn and the boy in front of him, Harry Potter, was going to do nothing but stand by and let it happen. He needed to get out of there, he needed to leave. With that final thought he escaped the grip that Harry had on his chin and fled like the weak coward he was.

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