Chapter 9

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A/N- hello guys!!! I am so happy with the amount of reads this book has gotten, 79!!! I can't believe it, I honestly only expected like two cuz my writing isn't that great and I kinda made this story on a whim. Anyway.....this chapter took me forever to write and idk why. It was hard and long work, at one point I had over a thousand words on the page and I just completely scrapped it all and started anew. I hope you like the chapter, it's not my best work, but it's something!:)
Harry could not be any more frustrated. Ginny seemed to be taking up all of his baby's time and when he finally did get to spend time with his Draco all he talked about was Ginny. Ginny this, Ginny that. Harry was trying so hard not to act on his primal instincts, trying so hard not to lock Draco away, keep him from ever being with Ginny ever again.

Harry couldn't stand how Draco seemed to just adore the girl with the red hair. He couldn't stand how Ginny would smirk at him whenever he got even a glimpse of the two when they hung out. He just couldn't stand Ginny. He knew Ginny wanted Draco for herself, but he couldn't, wouldn't, be the one to take away Draco's happiness. Even if his happiness came from the girl Harry despised.

Harry and Draco were in their room, sitting on their bed. Draco was currently rambling on and on about what he and Ginny had done the other day when they hung out. Harry was trying his hardest not to roll his eyes nor snap at his baby. His anger was rising after each passing second of Draco's cute rambling. Ginny, Ginny, Ginny. He wanted Draco to be thinking about him goddamnit, not Ginny.

"...a-and then we went to the Whomping Willow! Had s-so much fun there we..." Draco rambled on only slightly stuttering because of his excitement.

Harry barely even heard the rest of Draco's sentence before rage consumed him. Whomping Willow was their spot. It wasn't to be shared with anyone else, yet Draco had gone with Ginny. Fucking Ginny. I'm going to kill you! Harry's thoughts were murderous. His eyes turned to angry slits and he bunched his hands in anger. Harry's mood change did not go unnoticed by Draco and being his overly sweet and concerned self, he decided to ask Harry what was wrong in the hopes that he could fix it.

"What's wrong Harry? You can tell me. I can fix it just like you fix my problems!" Draco exclaimed in excitement. He wanted a chance to show Harry that he wasn't some useless child that needed fixing and that couldn't help anyone else. He wanted to feel adequate and he didn't want Harry to think less of him because of his neediness and fragility. He doesn't yet know that those qualities are what make Harry want him all the more.

At Draco's voice Harry snapped.

"Shut the fuck up Draco! I can not stand your voice anymore it's so annoying. All you do is cry or complain or talk about fucking Ginny. I'm sick of it, I'm sick of you!" Harry instantly regretted the words as soon as they came spilling out of his mouth. He didn't mean them, not a single word. He loved his Draco yet the talk about Ginny had him on edge. He couldn't stand it and he just snapped at the closest person. Draco was unfortunate enough to be that person.

Draco sat there, shocked. Tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't believe his Harry just told him all of that and in a fit of anger too. Anger that was pent up and finally released in a wave of hurtful words and insults. And Draco believed them. He knew this was too good to be true. See, Harry doesn't want you. In fact he thinks you're an annoying git that is just plain pathetic. You heard him, he can't stand you. Draco didn't push his thoughts away, instead he let them consume him.

Harry watched, horrified as the aftermath of his words came in the form of a crying Draco. The tears were streaming down his face, his sobs wracking his body. Harry was horrified at himself. How could I say that to my baby?

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