Chapter 14

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It was a little past midnight when Harry and Draco finally made it back to their room. After the many performances at the pub, they all decided to call it a night. Ron was glued to Blaise the entire time, whispering sinful things in his ear just so that he could see the smaller boy blush. Pansy and Hermione were in much the same predicament, with Pansy's roaming hands and Hermione's giggles. Harry opted to just carry his baby back, not wanting to startle him with any roaming hands or dirty words. Draco was too pure for that, though, Harry's resolve was withering by the day.

Harry gently laid Draco onto their bed, only slightly stumbling from his tipsy state. He disappeared from Draco's view and rustled around the room before returning with some pajamas. Draco smiled sleepily as Harry carefully and gently changed him into his night clothes. Harry may or may not have lingered a little too long with putting Draco's shirt on, either way, no one had to know.

Harry tucked his sleepy baby into the bed and lightly kissed his forehead, Draco falling asleep almost instantly. Harry fondly smiled down at his baby boy. God I love him. Harry quickly tore off his clothes and got into bed in just his boxers. Draco immediately gravitated toward him and curled up in his side. Harry sighed in content and closed his eyes, letting sleep finally overcome him.

Harry unpleasantly jerked awake. He could feel something was wrong, but was too disoriented by sleep to process anything. He blearily blinked his eyes a couple of times and looked down at his sleeping Draco. Harry's eyes widened; Draco wasn't there.

Harry jumped out of bed and searched the room with his eyes. Not seeing his baby in any visible spot, he made his way to his closet to grab his robes and go search the castle. As he approached the door he could hear shuffling coming from inside. He became rigid, his cold mask coming into play. He grabbed his wand as he passed his dresser and pointed it threateningly at the door. What could possibly be in there at this time of night? If it harmed my baby it's going to be dead soon.

Harry swung open the closet door causing it to bounce off the wall with the sheer force. There, at the bottom right corner of the dark closet was Draco. He was curled up in a ball, sobs wracking his body. Harry crouched down slowly as to not scare his baby.

"Shh, hey love, it's okay. I'm right here, right here. Your Harry is here for you love."

Draco continued crying, not moving an inch. His cries were soft and forceful, his body was shaking and his hands were repeatedly clenching and unclenching. Harry couldn't figure out what to do. Usually Draco is calmed by now, or at the very least in his arms. That was when Harry realized that his baby was still asleep, trapped in a nightmare that he was trying to hide from.

Harry sighed sadly and gently picked up Draco. It was never good to wake someone in a night terror so he very carefully brought Draco back to bed. Harry curled around his sleeping beauty, making sure that he won't be able to escape the bed again. He lay awake and watched his baby go through his dream. I'll wake him if it gets really bad, he needs sleep right now, as much as he can get.

Draco whimpered and pressed against Harry even more if possible. Harry tightly wrapped his arms around Draco as if by doing so he could ward off the nightmares. He felt so useless, but there was nothing he could do. A lone tear slid down his cheek at the thought. Don't worry baby, when you wake up I'll make it all better. I promise.

It felt like hours, but was only minutes before Draco finally calmed down. Harry had resorted to whispering soothing things in his ear, hoping that by some miracle Draco would hear him in his dreams. His words seemed to have worked because his baby was now sleeping peacefully, though there was still a worry crease between his eyebrows. Harry chuckles a little at how disgruntled his little Draco looks. He reaches forward and smooths out the crease, making Draco relax even further in his sleep.

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