Chapter 21

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A/N- so this is the last chapter and to be honest it isn't that good, but it is what it is. I just needed a good ending for the book but I couldn't really think of anything so this was the result. Anyway, to whoever is still reading this, it's very roughly edited at the moment, but enjoy it anyway!!:)
P.S I'm sorry for basically walking off the face of the planet and then suddenly reappearing only to give you guys a mediocre chapter, so thank you so much for still reading if you are and thank you so much for putting up with my bullshit y'all are the best!
"I died yesterday!" Harry blurts out. Harry internally groans in frustration at himself, he did exactly what he did not want to do. So much for starting from the beginning and easing into it, he thinks bitterly.

The four friends were shocked into silence. Of all the things Harry could have said they never thought that him dying would be one of them. But if he died then how is he here? If someone were to walk into the common room right at that moment they would probably laugh. Ron's mouth was hanging open, his usually quick and witty self shocked into speechlessness. Blaise was in much the same predicament, staring at Harry as if he was insane. Pansy has her usual indifferent mask on as she analyzes the words and situation, but on the inside she is freaking the fuck out. Hermione....well Hermione had started awkwardly giggling. She in no means found the situation humorous, but she didn't know how to react so she took the information and interpreted it in the best way she could: as a joke, a very bad, frightening joke.

When she realizes that Harry is being completely serious though, her laughter immediately cuts off and she adopts the same bewildered expression as the others. They all glance between Draco and Harry, not knowing what to say. Draco can feel the tears building up in his eyes at the lack of a reaction and, as if sensing that, Harry's arms tighten their hold around his waist.

"Say something. Please," Harry pleads out, not liking the silence one bit. Besides it was upsetting his Draco and that was not okay.

"I just...wha-how-What the fuck? What does that even mean mate?" Ron was the first to break the heavy silence. His spluttering would have been comical in any other situation, but it was no time for laughs. After Ron's outburst the room once again fills with silence, everyone was trying to wrap their head around Harry's words and it was even harder with no explanation given.

Blaise could see the discomfort and sadness in Draco's eyes. He could see the hurt and fear in Harry's and he realizes that their contemplative silence is being taken the wrong way.

"Cool so you're a ghost? I've been talking to a ghost this whole day?!" Blaise exclaims, his eyes widening in excitement. His outburst is followed by a beat of silence before Ron bursts out laughing. Hermione giggles at Ron's loud guffaws and Pansy cracks a minuscule smile in her direction. The previous tension and heavy silence is broken as the laughter rings out, even Draco and Harry let out quiet chuckles or giggles. Blaise leans back with a smug smile, feeling that his plan was successful.

All too soon though, they all sober up, but the silence is no longer uncomfortable nor thick with tension.

"So, Harry. Tell us from the beginning," Ron sighs out leaning forward some to give the two boys his rapt attention. Harry sucks in a quick breath of air as his hands begin to shake a little. He spares a quick glance down at Draco who smiles up at him in encouragement. A calm like no other washes through his body, relaxing his muscles and evening out his breathing. He hardens his gaze and builds up some of his walls. It hurts doing this around his friends and the boy he loves, but he knows that if doesn't he will never get through the story.

With that he begins the tale.
Harry had decided to tell them about everything, starting from the moment the two had entered Draco's "home" and ending in the death of Lucius. By the end of the tale Harry was panting slightly, his arms tightly wrapped around Draco's waist squeezing him as close as he could. Draco had shed a few tears when he chimed in every now and then and when the death of the Hirsch came up. The four friends were sitting in their spots, shocked, angry, sad, guilty. Every emotion one could possibly have flashed through all their gazes.

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