Chapter 7

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When Draco awoke he was very disoriented. There was sun streaming through the window that was in the room and he could hear birds chirping outside. His face was smashed against something firm, yet comfortable and warm. It felt as if there were strong protective binds wrapped around his body. It wasn't until he felt this mass of warmth and protection sigh, that he realized it was a person. Not just any person, but Harry Potter himself.

Just like that Draco was thrown out of his tired, groggy state and into the memories of the day before. He remembered his outburst in the great hall, he remembered Harry carrying him to his room. He remembered telling Harry everything. Oh no, I told Harry! He must hate me now, he's going to leave once he wakes up and finds me here. I should go, I don't want him to get angry and yell at me for sleeping in his bed.

Draco tried with all his might to get out of the hold that Harry had him in, but every time he moved Harry's arms would just get tighter. It didn't look like Harry would be letting Draco go anytime soon whether he was conscious of his actions or not. Draco gave a little sigh and laid his head down on Harry's chest in defeat. He relaxed in Harry's hold which in turn made Harry's arms loosen just a bit. Draco's eyes were once again heavy with sleep. He soon drifted off to the rhythmic movement of Harry's chest and the faint beating of Harry's heart.

When Draco awoke for the second time it seemed to be about mid afternoon. He also saw that Harry was no longer in bed. Tears came to Draco's eyes. See I told you. He left, and he's only going to come back to kick you out. You mean nothing to him. You disgust him, he doesn't like you, let alone love you. No one can love something as disgraceful as you. Draco's thoughts came in waves. He was disgusted with himself and he knew that everyone else was disgusted with him too. Draco was brought out of his thoughts at the sound of a door opening. He looked up from under his lashes and watched as Harry stepped through, he couldn't help but cry at the sight of him.

When Harry had woken up he immediately smiled at the sight that greeted him. His little Draco was curled up in his side, head resting on his chest, hands balled in his robes. He let out a sigh of content and happily closed his eyes. They snapped open when he realized exactly why his Draco was in his bed and in his arms. Fucking Crabbe and Goyle. Harry almost growled in rage, but he didn't want to wake up his little baby. He decided to let off some steam and cool down with a nice quick shower.

Harry gathered some fresh clothes, a towel and wash cloth, and headed down to the bathrooms so he could shower and clear his head. When he got in, he let the warm water cascade down his back, his head resting on the wall, and his eyes closed. I am going to do so much worse to those two bastards. They are going to pay. They took my baby away from me, not physically, but mentally. I hope he's okay. With that thought Harry's eyes flew open. He left Draco alone, what if he woke up? I'm not there, he's too vulnerable to be alone. Merlin, how could I be so stupid!

Harry quickly dried off and ran out of the bathroom. He realized how late it was while he was rushing back to Draco and so he made a b-line towards the kitchens. His baby needed to eat and Harry would be there to make sure. The house elves were nice enough to give Harry some left over pumpkin juice, bread pudding, and sandwiches that they had prepared for lunch earlier. Harry profusely thanked them and dashed out of there.

He ran through the halls, rushed out the password to get in to the common room, and ran up to his dorm. When he creaked the door open he noticed all the other beds empty and made immaculately. It was almost as if no one slept in there last night except for him and Draco. Knowing Ron and the rest of his dorm mates they probably didn't, wanting to give the two some privacy. He took a step in and his eyes finally landed on Draco. Draco was curled into a ball, his legs against his chest and his arms around them. He had looked up at Harry from under his wet lashes when Harry stepped in the room.

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