Chapter 3

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When Professor Snape finally made his grand appearance to class, by slamming the door open and snapping his cape behind him, Draco was a little more than flustered by Harry's intense staring. When Snape told the class in his monotonous drawl that they would be making a potion that required partners, well, Draco went from flustered to fidgety and anxious in the snap of the fingers.

Draco felt the stare boring into his head ease up which helped release some tension in his shoulders. When he turned, for what seemed the millionth time, Draco caught the softened and now concerned expression that Harry wore. Concern? Why is he concerned about me of all people? Not wanting, or rather wanting, but too scared to find out the answer to that question, Draco whipped back around quick enough to give him whiplash. His neck cracked and a tiny pained whimper slipped passed his lips before his right hand came up to rub the spot that ached.

Draco felt cold hands move his own hands away from the aching spot and continue the massaging for him.
"Are you alright mate?" Blaise whispered in Draco's ear, not wanting the wrath of Snape directed upon him for interrupting class.

At this point Harry is fuming. This boy had the audacity to touch what was his, and in front of him no less! What kind of insolent fool that values their life would do that? Harry fumed to himself. To be fair, he technically isn't yours yet which means anyone can touch him whenever they want. Harry's reasonable and always right conscience did have a point, but that point will not be listened to. Draco was his and if the sniveling boy knew or not, he would no longer be laying his hands on Draco after Harry was done with him.

Harry watched their whisper exchange, angry, yet sad at the same time. He wanted it to be him that was lovingly massaging where his little love hurt himself. Him that was whispering to Draco, asking if he was alright. Him that produced the blush on his face because of the question. Not the boy sitting next to his little love, him.

Having noticed Harry's longing and mournful look, Ron motioned for Hermione. She looked at him with a bewildered expression on her face. What in the bloody hell is that fool doing? Finally catching on that he was motioning towards Harry, albeit being rather too extra about it, Hermione noticed the mournful lion sitting next to her. She nudged Harry's side for the second time since class started, "Are you alright Harry, you seem kind of down."
"M'fine Mione" Harry whispered out distractedly, still watching the interaction in front of him.

Hermione looked to where Harry was staring and realized where this sudden change in his mood came from. "Oh Harry, you know Blaise means nothing of it. The lad is straight you know and even if he wasn't, practically everyone in Hogwarts knows of your claim on Draco except for the boy himself." She tried to comfort Harry to the best of her abilities, but all that her words were able to pull out of Harry was a series of unintelligible mumblings and crossed arms.

Hermione looked exasperatedly at Ron and couldn't help but to roll her eyes at her friend's childish actions. She tried one more time, "Harry, we are doing a partner project. We know that Snape picked our partners but he probably put you with Draco. M'sure Snape thinks you hate Draco because of your opposing houses and we all know Snape would do anything to make you miserable."
It was with those words that Harry held a flicker of hope. He wanted so badly to hex the shit out of this "Blaise" as Hermione had called him, and take Draco into his arms. But, being partners with Draco while Blaise was partnered with, hopefully, a sniveling prat would do just fine.

With that concluding thought, Harry was pulled out of his stupor and tuned back in to Professor Snape.
"You all will be making a highly illegal and frowned upon potion today: Amortentia. Does anyone know what this is?" Snape blatantly ignored Hermione's raised and frantically waving hand. She could never understand why Snape never called on her, especially when it seemed she was the only one that actually knew the correct answer without the luck of  guessing. "Mr. Malfoy, would you care to inform the class of what this potion does?" Snape's penetrating and unwavering gaze was focused on Draco.

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