Chapter 15

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A/N hey guys, so this is very roughly edited because it's kind of late and I still have to read and take notes on chapter ten in my bio textbook..I have a test tomorrow yay me:/ anyway, this chapter took a completely different direction than I planned it to, I swear this book just has a mind of its own! Read, comment (or don't), and enjoy(Or hate it whatever floats your boat)!:)

P.S. I used the word "wizarding" in here...don't know if it's an actual word, but it is now!:p
Draco was shaking. His breaths came out in little pants, his cheeks were flushed, and there was a little bead of sweat making its way down his face. He was terrified out of his mind as he stood before the heavy wooden doors of Malfoy Manor. They looked even more ominous than ever, looming over his small frame as he anticipates what will happen once he steps inside.

He raises a shaky hand and pauses just before knocking. He squeezed his eyes shut and scrunches his face before hastily knocking three, short knocks. He stands stiffly and waits for someone to open up. Draco was scared for what was to come. Please don't let it be too bad this year. I can't take it anymore, I can't take the pain.

Draco feels an arm snake around his waist and slightly squeeze his hips. He is pulled flush against a hard, warm body.

"I've got you baby. No one is going to touch you, not while I'm here," Harry whispered in his ear. Draco looked up at his Harry and gave him a watery smile. He was thankful for the support, thankful that Harry was able to be there with him in this awful moment.

Harry fought tooth and nail to get Dumbledore to allow Draco to just go with him to Ron's. Dumbledore was all for it, but the decision wasn't up to him. Draco's parents didn't want him going anywhere except back home. It would have been endearing to anyone who didn't know what happened behind those grand walls.

Draco and Harry were both tense once the door finally creaked open. A cute little house elf had opened the door.

"Mister Draco! Tilley is so glad to see yous after so long. Come, come, Master Malfoy is waiting for you," she ushered the two boys inside, not having time to properly talk with the other mysterious boy. Master was a very impatient man and she did not want to be subjected to his wrath.

Draco took a moment to take off his shoes, knowing that his parents hated it when the floors got dirty. Harry follows Draco's lead and then continues into the large, unwelcoming house. Everything was pristine and polished. The floors were marble and the grand staircase looked to be made of the finest wood. There were no pictures or paintings of the family, the entire place was cold and unwelcoming.

Harry shuddered as he thought of how lonely, isolated, and unloved his baby felt growing up in this place. He stepped closer to Draco and engulfed his little hand in his own, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Tilley lead them up the grand staircase and to a set of wooden doors. Harry felt his baby start trembling as Tilley knocked on the door.

"What?" The word was harsh and boomed through the door. Harry narrowed his eyes at the tone knowing that shit would go down if that tone was ever directed to him or Draco. Tilley shook a little.

"It's Tilley s-sir," the little elf shakily announces, "Tilley has Mister Draco with her."

"Come in," the gruff voice calls back. Just the sound of his father's voice makes the hairs on Draco's neck stand up. He removed his hand from Harry's, an action that said boy frowned at, but he didn't push it. Draco didn't want his father to know that he was seeing someone, a boy let alone that. He didn't need his father's wrath to be rained down upon the only thing that truly made him happy.

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