Chapter 12

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A/N Hello everyone!! I know this chapter took longer than all of the others for me to write and publish and for that I'm sorry. My only valid excuse is school, so again, sorry. Anyway, here's the chapter, enjoy!:)
He loves me? He really loves me? Can I believe this? Draco didn't know whether or not to listen to his thoughts, for once he was indecisive. But looking into Harry's eyes he could see it. See the love swimming in his green irises. See the compassion, adoration, and care. And it was all pointed to him. For once in his entire life, Draco didn't listen to the voice in his head that always told him how worthless he was; because under Harry's gaze he knew that he was worth the world.

A smile bloomed onto Draco's face and a little giggle erupted from his lips.

Harry was nervous, though he didn't show it. Why hasn't he said anything yet? What if he doesn't love me back? Why in the bloody hell is he giggling. I mean, it is the cutest fucking sound ever, but giggling? At a time like this? Harry was freaking out on the inside. He stared intently at Draco awaiting his response.

"I-I love you H-Harry!" Draco exclaimed, a wide smile adorning his lips. Harry let out a triumphant shout, "Yes! Baby, you mean the world to me."

He showered Draco's face in kisses, pecking his cheeks, forehead, nose and lips multiple times. Draco blushed throughout the whole ordeal. Right when Harry was going in for another kiss, the door flew open with a slam, ricocheting off the wall behind it. Ron, Hermione, Pansy, and Blaise all came scrambling into the room. They had heard Draco's giggles and came as quickly as they could to greet the little snake. They all rushed forward to engulf Draco in a hug.

Draco's eyes widened. He didn't recognize these people, not a single one. Who are they? Are they here to hurt me? Why is Harry letting them so close? Who is screaming? It's so loud, make it stop Harry. Draco soon realized that the blood curdling scream was spilling from his own lips. His hands were covering his ears, attempting to block out the noise and tears were streaming down his face. "No, no, no. Don't touch me!" Draco squeezes his eyes shut as flashbacks after flashbacks of Crabbe, Goyle, and Ginny abusing him replay like a never ending loop. It was the worst kind of torture anyone could ever go through.

Harry didn't know what to do. His baby was shaking, screaming, and crying in his grasp. He was trying to speak to him, trying to calm him down, but nothing was working. Not his words and not his gentle touches. He curled Draco into his arms and started rocking him back and forth. The others watched on in agony; their little snake was hurting and in no mentally stable condition. They were the brightest witches and wizards of their class, yet there was nothing they knew that could possibly mend a broken mind and a shattered soul. This was time's battle now and they would all have to be there every step of the way; through the victories and through the defeats.
Madame Pomfrey had left the office to go and fetch Dumbledore. She knew that something had happened, something very bad judging by the amount of blood that was on Draco. Blood that wasn't his. There were sinister acts happening under the roof of Hogwarts and she needed the headmaster's help in finding answers and getting it taken care of. She rapidly knocked on Dumbledore's door and impatiently waited for the okay to enter.

"Come in," Dumbledore shouted, his tone distracted and distant. Madame Pomfrey walked in to a sight she thought she'd never see. Dumbledore was very disheveled. He was pacing back and forth, muttering to himself under his breath. Dumbledore was trying to solve a mystery, one that would soon be answered in the events to come.

"Headmaster... this is very important, I need you to listen to me," Madame Pomfrey tried with all her might to get the attention of Dumbledore, but he was too deep into his mind and mumblings. "Dumbledore!" Dumbledore startled at the shout of his name. He finally looks up and takes in Madame Pomfrey standing in front of him.

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