Chapter 17

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A/N For anyone still reading this, thank you so much for being patient with me. This chapter was a lot harder to write than expected, I ended up writing a few hundred words then deleting it all a few times. This was the end result and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I will try my hardest to get something out once every week or every two weeks, depends on my school schedule. Again, thank you and enjoy:)

Short, heavy pants came from his mouth. He was dazed and confused. Where was he? He didn't know. He slowly looked around; he was kneeling in the snow on the ground and there were trees surrounding him. They were so dense no sunlight seeped through making the forest dark and ominous.

Dread made itself known. Starting in his stomach and traveling throughout his entire being. Something was terribly wrong.

"Draco," his name was whispered, echoing all around him, the "a" being drawn out playfully.

"H-Harry?" He calls out, his voice shaky.

"Yes baby, I've missed you," his voice was soft and rumbling like it always is. Draco's brows furrowed in confusion.

"B-But I'm r-right here Harry," Draco calls out softly, "p-please come here, I-I'm scared."

The air changes. It became tense and frightening, wrapping itself around Draco, suffocating him. A maniac laugh resounds all around him. He's never heard this laugh before, but somehow he knew it was coming from his Harry. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks as the wind became angry, picking up, throwing snow around, and making the tree branches angrily sway.

"I can't believe you could do this Draco," Harry's booming voice was angry and sharp.

"D-Do what? I-I didn't do anything, I swear!" Draco cries out in terror. Harry has never spoken to him that way and it brought a sharp stab of pain to his heart.

"I can't believe you Draco, I can't believe you," Harry's voice kept saying the same words over and over again. As the chant got louder and the wind got angrier, Draco could feel a force on his neck. It was getting tighter and tighter, choking him.

He brought his hands up to claw at the invisible force and that's when he saw it. The blood.

It coated his hands, caked under his short nails and in between his fingers. All of the air left his body as a realization came to him. Suddenly the wind stopped howling, the invisible force was gone, and the chanting ceased. He felt the air shift once more.

Draco looked up from his blood stained hands to see he was now in a field of lush, green grass and beautiful flowers. He stood up and looked around.

"Go to the water Draco," Harry's voice was closer this time. He spun around hoping to see him, to make this nightmare end, but Harry was nowhere to be seen. Draco turned back and saw a little pond. His steps were slow and sluggish as he approached it, knowing something terrible was going to happen.

When he finally reached it he looked at his reflection. Blood was everywhere. It matted the top of his hair down, it covered his face in splatters, it coated his neck. Draco screamed. He collapsed to his hands and knees at the edge of the pond, staring at his reflection and letting out all of his agony in this one, haunting scream.

The laugh once again resounded all around him. Draco closed his eyes tight and covered his ears, squeezing them shut.

"G-Go away, go a-away, GO AWAY!" He screams out. The laugh stops, the air is now tense, and the clearing is silent. There is no breeze, there is no swaying of grass, it was a complete standstill. Draco slowly opens his eyes and uncovers his ears. He's in the same place, but something isn't right.

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