Chapter 20

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A/N hello people, it's been a while. I just wanted to thank you for continued support, especially the ones who have voted and commented words of encouragement. This update was a slow one, but I'm happy with how it turned out and I hope you are too. It's more words than any of my other chapters which I'm proud about. Now, about this chapter. There is a scene in here that focuses on Ron and Blaise, it isn't very long, but I wanted to delve a little into their relationship, something I'll be doing with Pansy and Hermione soon as well. Also, there is a heavy scene between Draco and Harry if you're, uh, catching my drift *wink, wink* that being said Idk how good it is, but I took a blind swing and did my best.

Thank you for your precious time and enjoy!:)

The morning after the traumatizing incident, Draco was as clingy as ever. Harry could not do anything without his little baby being with him or touching him in some way and to be completely honest, he loved it. Even when this is so, he must admit that Draco's behavior can be a bit difficult, especially when he has to use the loo.

"Baby, I'm just going to the bathroom," Harry exasperates. He was desperately trying to get out of Draco's tight hold that the little one had on his arm. Draco furiously shakes his head no and clings tighter to Harry's arm in response. Harry sighs out and lightly shuffles his feet, he really, really had to pee.

"I-I'll come," Draco whispers out, not letting up on his tight hold for the life of him. A small blush crawled up to his cheeks as he thought about actually going into the bathroom with his Harry, but he needed to make sure that he came back to him. Draco couldn't stand the thought of losing Harry again and if going into the bathroom was going to ensure that it never happened again, then so be it.

Harry was practically jumping in his place on the carpeted floor of their room. He takes another look down at his baby's wide, pleading, doe eyes and immediately gives in. "Okay, come on baby, your Harry really has to go to the bathroom," he sighs out in resignation. Draco smiles wide and loosens his hold on Harry's arm as they make their way across the room and into the bathroom. Once Harry closes the door behind them he immediately turns away from Draco, towards the toilet, and unzips his trousers. He chuckles as he hears his little baby let out a squeak and can only imagine the endearing shade of red that is most likely covering his little cheeks.

Draco was turned around with his eyes squeezed shut and a blush burning his cheeks. Man up, you're the one who wanted to come in here anyway, Draco admonishes himself. "Don't worry baby, you've seen it all before. You can look, it's all yours," Harry states, a smirk on his lips as he finishes up. He lets out another chuckle when Draco lets out the most adorable embarrassed sound ever. It was a cross between a squeak and an embarrassed moan. Fucking adorable, Harry thinks fondly as he washes his hands.

When he's finished drying his hands he turns to Draco and turns him around. He lets out a laugh as he takes in Draco's state. His little baby was a blushing, shy mess. His little hands were covering his face and he was timidly peaking through his fingers.

"Oh baby, I was just teasing ya," Harry fondly lets out between his low chuckles. He grabs Draco and brings him into his chest, the little snake immediately burying his face closer and wrapping his arms around Harry's waist. Harry picks the small bean up and makes his way from the bathroom, setting Draco on the bed. He moves away to trifle through their dresser to find suitable clothing for the both of them before they head off to the Great Hall for breakfast. Draco lets out a whine of protest, but lets Harry go anyway.

Just 'cause he's in my vision doesn't mean I hafta like him being away from me. Draco crosses his arms and pouts, his Harry wasn't with him and he did not like that, not at all. When Harry turns with the clothes he fondly shakes his head at Draco's actions.

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