Chapter 13

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A/N- here is the chapter that I promised!:) I'm so sorry for the wait. I'm not sure how good this is going to be, but on a high note I'm pretty sure it's my longest one yet!!:) at least the word count is bigger than all my other chapters:)

I only read through and edited this once because I wanted to get this up for you guys so don't freak out if there are any mistakes, I constantly go through each chapter and every time I find something new that's wrong with it. This chapter will be no different. In other words I'll edit more thoroughly tomorrow. Enjoy!

The trials of Ginny Weasley and Vincent Crabbe were, as expected, no easy feat. They were long, drawn out, and, much to Harry's dismay, emotionally taxing for Draco. It was all worth it -at least, in Draco's opinion- just to see Ginny and Crabbe get thrown into Azkaban.

Harry and Draco were lounging comfortably on their bed. Draco was curled into Harry's chest, his face smooshing into the sculpted masterpiece that was his Harry. He sighed in content and fluttered his eyes shut as Harry traced soothing, soft circles onto his hip. Draco was exhausted. He was exhausted from the trial, exhausted from the events that led up to the trial, exhausted from the sleepless nights, exhausted from everything.

He couldn't remember his supposed friends, he didn't remember anything except for the torture that he went through and, of course, his Harry. Draco's heavy eyes stayed shut and he allowed for Harry's soothing motions to put him to sleep. Please don't let any nightmares ruin this. His plead went unanswered.

Draco was running. Sweat was dripping down his face; his breathing erratic and harsh. There was a looming fear, clawing at the back of his mind, yet he didn't know what he was supposed to be afraid of. Run, his subconscious told him, run or else he'll get you. Draco didn't know who this "He" was, all he knew was that he couldn't get caught.

Thump, thump, thump. Draco could hear something heavy hitting the ground. Thump, thump. He froze in his tracks, eyes blown wide, heart racing. Thump, thump. The sound was getting closer, slower, and louder. Thump...Thump. Draco stood as still as could be. His mind was screaming for him to run, but he couldn't move. It was as if his feet were glued to the ground. Thump, Thump, Thump. The sound was right behind him now. He squeezed his eyes shut, praying that whatever it was wouldn't hurt him. Thump. Silence.

Then he felt it. The breath fanning his neck, making his hairs sway. The body heat coming from right behind him. He knew that if he were to only slightly move then the body would be pressed against him. He shivered in disgust at the thought. He heard a shuffling of feat and involuntarily let out a fearful whimper. There was a slight chuckle in response. One filled with malice and promises of pain.

"Did you miss me little whore?"

Draco screamed.

"Draco, baby, wake up. It's just a dream, just a dream," Harry shook Draco, trying to wake his thrashing, screaming baby boy up. Draco awoke with a start. He was disoriented and shaking. He could feel hands on him and, thinking he was still dreaming, he screamed. He flew off the bed and hunkered down in a corner, curling into a ball.

Harry approaches slowly, trying not to further frighten his little darling. Draco is crying, his face shoved into his knees as he rocked himself back and forth. He was muttering to himself, words that Harry couldn't make out.

"Draco, baby, I'm right here. Shh. It's okay, I'm right here," Harry crouched down so that he was somewhat the same height as Draco. He tentatively reached out a hand to touch Draco's arm. When he finally did, Draco's head shot up and he let out a scream.

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