Chapter 11

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A/N Hello everyone!! Thank you so much for all of the reads!! Here is another chapter for you guys. It's an alright one, it could be better, but I'm just not in the mood to fix it, maybe some day far, far into the future.

Anyway, there is some medical shit in this chapter that I completely bullshitted so sorry if it doesn't make sense...Enjoy!:)

Three hours prior

Harry's footsteps were silent as he crept through the hallway. He was in search of someone, someone that would definitely know where his Draco was. He whirled around as he heard a squeak sound out in the otherwise silent halls. He came face to face with Ron who looked embarrassed and apologetic. Harry glared.

"Are you trying to alert people of our presence you fool?" He furiously whispered out.

"M'sorry mate, it was just a little scuff of my feet. It won't happen again," Ron was trying so hard to take his mistake seriously, but he couldn't help the slight chuckle that escaped his lips. Ron had never seen Harry so wound up about something so small, he couldn't help but laugh.

Harry glared even harder at Ron.
"You miserable git, shut up."

"You shut up arsehole, I don't even know why I'm friends with you. You were bloody awful to me in our first year."

"I only became friends with you because you followed me around and always got on my nerves if I didn't pay attention to you," Harry bit out.

There was a crackle in Harry's earpiece-something Ron insisted on, saying it would be "like one of those cool muggle movies"- and Hermione's voice was heard.

"Will you both shut up we are trying to save Draco! Unless you two bloody arseholes have forgotten!" Her voice was shrill with annoyance.

"Of course not Mione, my baby is going to be found," Harry grit out between clenched teeth.

There was soft laughter heard coming from, who Harry expected to be, Blaise. Harry gave Ron one last scathing look, to which the latter simply threw his hands up in surrender to, and continued his silent tread.

"Dun, dun, dada, dun, dun, dada, dun, dun dada, Dadadun!"

"For fucks sake Ron shut up!" It was Pansy that yelled this time.

"What? It's one of those muggle movie's spy theme song. I thought it would suit the occasion," He cackled out.

Harry whirled around and gave Ron a glare which rivaled the murderous one he gave in first year. Ron, not in the slightest offended nor perturbed, flashed him a smile. "Alright I'll stop now," Ron whispered out. He barely got the words out before Harry slapped his hand over Ron's mouth.

"Hmm hmph," Ron tried to talk. His confusion was evident on his face, but Harry simply placed a finger on his lips and pointed around the corner. Ron peaked out and widened his eyes in realization. Their plan was finally going to be put into complete action.

"Alert to mother base, Red Demon is in sight, I repeat Red Demon is in sight," Ron whispered into the earpiece. The only response was a scoff  from Ginny and an annoyed "really Ron?" from Hermione.

Harry and Ron waited for Blaise and Pansy's confirmation that the "Red Demon" was in their sights as well. "He's in sight, plan is a go," Blaise relayed. With that confirmation, Harry ran from his place around the corner and socked the person in the face, catching him off guard and making him crumble to the ground.
When he made a move to get up, spitting out blood in the process, Harry kicked him. He once again hit the ground with a thud.

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