Chapter 16

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A/N this is shorter than a few of my other chapters, but I hope you enjoy it:) also, I used a German word in here. I have no clue if it actually means what google translate says it's supposed to mean so please don't get upset if it's wrong. Thanks:)
Harry paced back and forth in front of the wooden door. He was worried, so, so worried that his little Draco wasn't going to be okay. Narcissa had kicked Harry out of the room after hearing his pleads of help. She needed to be alone with the unconscious, burning up, boy in order to perform spells to see what was happening to her precious son.

Harry let a few tears slip down his face, but quickly wiped them away. He had to be strong for his baby. He had to hope and pray that Draco would be alright.

Harry stopped his pacing and stood rigidly at the sound of the door opening up. Narcissa walked out with tear streaked cheeks and solemn eyes.

"I-I don't know what's h-happening to him," she collapsed on the ground. She became a sobbing heap, her body shaking violently. Harry shook his head.

"No, no, no," He got on his knees in front of Narcissa and started violently shaking her shoulders. "You have to help him Narcissa. God dammit, you have to help him!"

He rushed to his feet and ran into the room. He knelt next to the bed and encased Draco's cold, limp hand in his own. Draco was deathly pale, his skin, that was previously burning up, was cold as ice, his breaths too shallow to see the rise and fall of his chest. Harry put his head on Draco's chest just to make sure his heart was still beating.

"You gotta wake up baby. I need you. I need your smile, I need your laugh, I need you here, with me, right now. Please wake up baby, please." Harry was crying, letting his tears fall freely down his face. In this moment he couldn't be the strong, cold-hearted, Harry Potter that everyone believed him to be. He couldn't keep his unwavering composure. He couldn't bear the sight of the only thing he truly loved hurt and dying.

There was a creek in the floorboards. Harry looked up to see Narcissa gazing sadly at her only son. She gave Harry a haunted look, "I can't help him."

Right after those words left her lips Harry felt Draco's hand twitch against his own. He saw Draco's eyes moving under his eyelids. A smile broke out on his face.

"That's it baby, wake up for me please."

Narcissa sucked in a hopeful breath. Draco's eyes flew open. He stared at the ceiling, but otherwise didn't move. Harry's smile slowly dropped from his face.

"Draco, baby, what's wrong?" Harry's voice seemed to snap Draco out of his trance. He slowly turned his head to look at Harry.

"Hirsch," Draco whispered out.

"What? What does that mean baby boy. Tell your Harry what that means."

"Hirsch," Draco whispered out one last time. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as his body started convulsing. A long, haunted scream ripped passed his lips as his back arched off the bed. His back slammed back down and he started jerking and twisting in all directions. He thrashed violently, nearly hitting Harry a few times.

"What's wrong with him?" Harry screamed out.

"He's- He's having a seizure," Narcissa whispered out, frozen to her spot as the terrible seen unfolded. Draco continued to convulse before stopping completely. He once again lay limp in the bed, unmoving, unresponsive.

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