Chapter 10

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A/N omg guys, I cannot believe the amount of reads I've been getting. I just casually checked the read count today and I was taken aback. Over 200 reads!! I can't believe you guys! Thank you so much for reading, I love you all! This chapter does get a little gory at the end so watch out for that.

I tried my best. Please, please, please leave comments, I would love to hear from you, tell me what you think. Is it good? Bad? Horrible? Let me know!! Constructive criticism is always welcome just don't be mean or rude about it. Thank you all so much, enjoy the chapter!!:)

"Is he alright?"
"Oh my I hope he isn't dead!"
"What happened to him?"
"Why in the bloody hell would we know that Ron?"
"Was just askin' need to bite my head off."
"Will you two stop bickering! We need to get him to the nurse."

Voices. Harry could hear the constant chatter happening above him, but he couldn't make out who the voices belonged to. "Harry it will be okay, stay in there." Harry recognized the voice, but he couldn't put his finger on who it was. He wanted to see, to look for himself, but his eyes were heavy, his head was pounding and he could feel the warm blanket of unconsciousness creeping up on him. Harry strained against it. There was something important that he needed to do. What was it? He felt this dread, a dread like no other. He was supposed to be doing something, saving someone, but who?

Harry felt a whisper of a voice. It was saying a name. He couldn't make out the name, all he knew was that it gave him a sense of protectiveness, warmth, love. Love? Do I love this person? Harry wanted to know, so he strained in his mind, trying to grasp the one floating thought that kept slipping through his fingers. Draco. Harry heard the name, his baby's name. And suddenly he remembered. He remembered everything. Draco, my Draco is in trouble. I need to save him. Save him from Crabbe and Goyle!

Harry's eyes finally flew open. His heart was pounding in his chest, his skull ached and his breathing came out in harsh pants. He searched the room he was in, hoping by some miracle that his baby was safe and sound, waiting for him to wake up. He recognized that he was in a makeshift hospital room in Madame Pomfrey's office. He recognized that his Draco wasn't there. He swung his legs over the bed and tore out the drip in his arm. As he was busy searching the room for his shoes, the door swung open.

"Oh my, Harry you're okay!" Hermione screeched out, barreling into Harry and giving him one of her infamous bone crushing hugs. Harry let out a breath of air and carefully pat his friend's back. He was in a hurry to leave, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings by pushing her away.

Harry heard a slight growl come from the doorway and felt Hermione being forcefully taken away from the embrace. He looked up with confusion in his eyes and saw a sight he never thought he'd ever see. Pansy was behind Hermione, flushed against her back with her arms wrapped protectively around Hermione's waist. Hermione had a huge blush adorning her cheeks and Pansy was glaring at Harry. Harry gave Hermione a smirk and gave her a look that told Hermione they would be having a long discussion about what was going on.

Harry turned to Ron and noticed his sorrowful gaze pointed towards the two. It was no secret that Ron was practically in love with Hermione. Blaise was standing there, looking at Ron with...longing? There was so much that Harry had missed while he was so consumed in his love with Draco and so he made a mental note to spend some time with his friends. After he found Draco that is. Oh bloody hell, here I am trying to figure out what's going on between my friends and my Draco is probably hurt and bloody somewhere! I need to find him right bloody now.

Forgetting all about his shoes, Harry darted out of the room. He ignored his friends' calls and ran into the hallway. Think Harry, where would the two gits bring my baby? Harry didn't know, he couldn't figure it out. He didn't realize he was having a panic attack right there in the middle of the hallway until he felt a hand on his shoulder. His breathing was harsh and his eyes frantic as he spun around. He came face to face with the girl he absolutely despised. Ginny.

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