Chapter 19

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A/N Hello everyone Merry Christmas Eve! This chapter took forever, I really had to think about how I was going to execute this and I have to say that I'm pretty proud of it. This is very roughly edited, I literally only read through it once and then changed and added anything I saw that needed fixing. I will probably do it more thoroughly in the next couple of days. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this long over due chapter and happy holidays!!:!

True to his word, Harry shielded his little Draco from everything that he deemed dangerous. Unfortunately for Draco that meant being suffocated by Harry's overbearing presence.


"B-But Harry I wanna-,"

"I said no and that's final," Harry narrowed his eyes at his baby, just daring him to protest again. It was the weekend and the two were currently in their room, a few days after Harry had informed Dumbledore of all that has happened over their break.

Draco crosses his arms, pouts, and childishly stomps his little foot in frustration. He let out a huff and gives his own little glare, one that Harry found absolutely adorable, but he didn't let it show.

"I want to go! Y-You never let m-me do anything by myself a-anymore!" Draco's eyes widened as he realized what he just did. I just yelled at my Harry! He's going to be even more mad now! Draco's widened eyes took in Harry's state. Harry's own arms were crossed over his broad chest, his muscles flexing with the position, though Draco has no time to admire them. His eyes were narrowed even more and were dangerously dark. When he spoke, his voice was low and gravelly.

"Come here." Draco shook his head, let out a little whimper and took a tiny step back.

"Come here, I'm not going to tell you again baby," Harry's voice was even deeper now, conveying his disappointment and anger. This time Draco listened. He took small, slow steps until he was in front of Harry, their toes nearly touching. His head was down, ashamed of himself for yelling at Harry when Harry was only trying to do what was best.

Harry leaned down so that he was eye level with Draco. "Look at me," the words were forceful and hard, Draco had to listen. His eyes snap up to Harry's and another low whimper escapes his mouth when he gets a good look at his boyfriend's angry eyes.

"Now baby, you upset me. What do you say?" Harry's voice was hard and commanding promising a punishment if Draco's answer wasn't acceptable.

"S-Sorry H-Harry. I-I didn't mean to," Draco blurted out in the most timid voice he had. A couple tears fell down his little cheeks, a sniffle accompanying them.

"It's okay baby, just don't raise your voice at your Harry yeah? Makes him feel bad," Harry's voice has considerably softened and he let out a little pout, hoping to dry up his little one's tears. "O-Okay," Draco giggles out, his sadness washed away. Harry grins at the adorable giggle, Merlin, he's so cute and so mine. All mine. He yanks Draco the rest of the way towards him, pulling the little snake flushed against his chest and nuzzling his face into his baby's neck. He inhales Draco's scent, calming his tense muscles and relaxing him even more.

"D-Daddy," Draco starts off tentatively, "I really r-really wanna go." Harry sighs in defeat, knowing that he won't be getting his way, not this time, he's already cracking at that word. That goddamn word that lets Draco get his way every single time, Harry thought dramatically. Harry pulls back and looks at Draco's doe eyes and pouty lips. He lets out a breath of air.

"Fine, you can go baby," Draco was ecstatic though he could practically hear the "but" coming his way, "but you need to be careful, listen to Blaise he'll know what's best and you must wear this baby," Harry holds up a silver bracelet with a snake charm attached. On the back had the words Harry Potter's Baby Boy engraved in the silver. "It has a charm on it so that I will know where you are and when you are distressed by connecting to the one I have. You do not take this off, got it baby?"

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