Chapter 2 - I'll Stay

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I groaned, feeling the rays of the sun hit the side of my face. I covered my face with the comforter and exhaled deeply. After a few minutes of no luck trying to go back to sleep, I took the cover out of my face but stayed in bed staring at the ceiling. I looked at the clock and amazed that the sun is up at 4 am and stared back at the ceiling. I closed my eyes tempting to sleep again when his image appeared which made my eyes open right away. I bit my lips while the sheets crumpled as my hands started to curl in a fist.

"Why are you showing up again? Are you not done tormenting me?! Was what you did not enough?" I croaked a whisper into the thin air. I could feel my eyes sting. No, I refuse to cry. I have no tears left to shed for you. As if in reply the scar on my stomach tingled and my hands insantly traced it. I looked heavenward so tears won't fall, counted one to ten and took a deep breath then released it. I don't know how long I did that 'til I calmed down but when I looked back at the clock I cussed and ran straight to the bathroom.

I quickly dried my hair while I brushed my teeth at the same time. I quickly put on a pressed powder and lip gloss, grabbed my bag and ran down to my car. I hopped in and got ready to go when it didn't start. I started the ignition again to no avail. I looked at my wrist watch and cursed again. I quickly got out and locked the door and ran out of the house to find a taxi but heaven forbid! There isn't a single cab at all! I have no choice but to run to the bus stop. I was almost there when the bus moved forward ready to go.

"Wait wait wait wait!" I yelled as I run after it while waving my hands up. Luckily the driver saw me and stopped. I sighed in relief when I sat down. Thankfully I got to sit at the window side, my favorite spot. I looked over the window to appreciate the view as we passed sky scrapers and parks, this is what I like when commuting and for the second time I sighed in contentment... or so I thought. No More Dream by BTS started blaring at the speakers and I want to yell every curse word I know.

This. This is what I hate about commuting public transportations. Reminding me that no, I am not contented and I am not fully happy. I covered my ears when his part came wishing it would soon be over. I hurriedly press the button indicating my stop and quickly get off the bus cause apparantly they have a bangtan playlist.

"What's with the grumpy face?" I looked to my right and saw my frienemy looking stylish as ever

"I just have a feeling today's gonna be bad day for me." We wait for the light to turn green so we can cross

"How can you say that when the day's just barely starting?" He said, drinking his Starbucks take out sticking his pinky finger out.

"Exactly! It's just barely starting and it's already this shitty." I rolled my eyes and he did the same. He stood on one foot, right hand on his hips while his left is holding the coffee having the pinky finger still sticking out.

"You're talking as if I made your day shitty, FYI, my presence in this early of a morning is a blessing." He went so near and gestured to his face

"See this face? You should be thankful you existed the same lifetime I existed." He was so near that I had an evil plan to have his day ruined too. I pecked his lips and laughed.

"Ew ew eew~ yuck!! The hell jennie?!" I stopped laughing as he desperately wiped his mouth like I french kissed him when it wasn't even a second long

"Don't call me that!" I said crossing my arms. He stopped wiping his mouth and came near to my ear and yelled at it which made me flinch and cover my ears


"Stop it you gay bitch!" I pushed him almost spilling his coffee.

"You did not!"

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