Chapter 43 - Bliss

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I groaned feeling the cold and hard cement. I stretched and remembered the events last night. No wonder my body feel sore. I smiled. I rubbed my eyes and opened them, expecting to see yoongi.

A blank space welcomed my sight. My smile slowly faded and my heart started hammering my chest.

"Yoongi?" I sat up and looked around but he was nowhere in sight. His clothes or shoes gone. I looked down and I have his shirt on. I begin to panic, my eyes started to sting.

The door opened and my head snapped to it, tears falling.

"Oh shit!" I sobbed as he ran over to me, dropping the food he brought.

"Shhh. Sorry, I'm sorry. I... I'm here." He rocked me but I just cried but then felt relieved

"I.. I thought you left." I sobbed in his chest. He cussed and hit himself then hugged me tightly and kissed my temple.

"Sorry. I just went out to buy us food. It sounded romantic to prapare you breakfast in bed. I didn't think you'd wake up before I came back" he wiped my tears and and let me look at him

"Stop crying." I nodded and sniffed. He kissed my lips and carried me to the chair.

"I didn't wake you, besides I don't think you can walk." I pouted and he laughed.

"In you go." I blushed as he put on my underwear for me. I wore my jacket and he wrapped my ripped shirt on my waist.

"Let's eat." I smiled. We fed each other and threw the garbage. We're cleaning our mess when a knock came. Yoongi opened the door

"Jinyoung?" My brows furrowed.

"Did something happen to jisoo?" I walked towards them

"Good. I caught you in time. I have your clothes." Yoongi and I looked at each other in confusion

"I stopped by bangtan's unit and they told me you were with jennie and then I went your house" turning to me

"and your mom told me you're on a date with him.." pointing at yoongi

"at your hometown." He let himself in and looked for a place to sit

"And you traveled all the way here in daegu with our clothes because?" I raised a brow

"Oh that.." he rubbed his neck sheepishly

"Ohmygosh!!" I squealed and hit yoongi from giddiness

"Great! Now she'll expect more from me." I ignored yoongi and asked jinyoung for more details about his surprise wedding for jisoo.

"Wait... so today's THE day?" I did a double take at what he said

"I figured some couldn't keep their mouths shut, soooo..."

"She can't walk we-" I covered yoongi's blabbering mouth

"I can manage." I smiled

"But I have to al home first..." my babied are expecting me home today

"No need. I already asked your mom's permission." I nodded and got my things from and left then to shower.

I blushed going in the shower. We did it here too. We probably did it at every part of this room. I shook the thoughts away and quickly finish my bath.


We decided to meet at a convenience store on their way. Yoongi and I ate ice cream while waiting for jinyoung and the others arrived. I waved when I saw the van parking.

Jisoo ran and hugged me tight then yoongi.

"I'm so happy for the both of you." She suddenly cried, with actual tears, making me laugh.

"Why are you crying?" I chuckled and wiped her tears

"Blame the hormones." I laughed and she laughed with me. I touched her stomach that is now bigger and prominent.

"Tell me why am I here too?" Lisa rolled her eyes and I raised my brows. She discreetly gave me a wink.

"I'm here too. Remember mochi? Turns out he's BTS's Jimin." We all shook our head at chaeng. She's hopeless when it comes to idols

"I thought you won't date an idol?" Lisa raised her brow on rosè

"I'm not. We're just friends. Besides, he helps me with you know." She gave lisa a look.

"With who?" Jisoo inquired

"Nothing." Jisoo gave me a look and I nodded

"Oh come on. It's obvious there's something you both know that we don't." I taunted

"Don't look at me. It isn't my story to tell." Lisa raised her hands defensively

"You're putting me in a pressure! I won't tell." Rosé covered both of her ears. We're all saying something when the guys arrived

"Woah woah, what's going on here?" Rosé ran behind jimin and whispered on his ear.

"He knows it too! Why can't we?!" Jinyoung came to jisoo's rescue and calm her down

"Yeah! Why does chimchim get to know?" I joined in

"You gave him a nickname?" Yoongi glared. What? I've always called him that.

"Why am I even here?" Lisa thought aloud

"Cause you're mine." I did my best not to snicker but jisoo giggled

We all shut up when ghe cashier at the convenience store blew a whistle on us.

"Get out if you're done buying! Take your noise outside!" Uh-oh. Yoongi was about to retort and i knew he'd be savage so I put my hand on his mouth and pulled him out

"This isn't even a library! Do you see any sign keep quiet? No! For all you know we're arguing to buy the whole sto-" I hear jisoo yelling

"Sorry. Pregnant lady. You know how it is." Jinyoung went to us, dragging jisoo with him

"Oww!" Jinyoung pried his hands off his wife's mouth. I assume he's bitten.

"What are you, a piranha?" He shook his hands.

"If I am, what does that make you?" Yoongi snickered and they high-fived making me roll my eyes

"How did you survive having these two on your childhood?" I laughed at jinyoung's remark

"I survived cause I have them." I smiled sweetly at yoongi. They are a savage duo so no one likes to cross their paths, meaning crossing mine too.

"Now kiss!" Yoongi did peck me on the lips. He swiftly walked ahead before I can react. He knows I'm not fond of PDA.

"That idiot." I muttered and jogged to catch up to him

"Yah! you're not going away with that." He walked backwards and started mimicking me. I squinted my eyes

"Omo!" I almost fell on the ground but yoongi caught me.

"He's gonna die." Yoongi ared at jungkook's back, who bumped into me

"No need." I chuckled when I saw he qas running away from lisa who looks like she's about to kill him.

"Let's go!" We went up the van and ready to go. Jinyoung blasted the stereo with winner's island, getting us hyped for the beach. We sang along and off we go!

Jisoo and jinyoung holding hands at the front seat, chimchim and chaeng singing along, jungkook and lisa still fighting but then teasing each other. I looked up to yoongi who was smiling and singing along. I smiled widely. Now this is what happy looks like.


Two more chaps guys and it's done! 🤧😭💕

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