Chapter 34 - Truth Untold

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"You are not going out of this room until you solve this! Do you understand?!" We flinched but kept silent

"DO.YOU.UN.DER.STAND?!" YG's ceo looks like he could eat us whole.

"Yes sir." We chorused. He shut the door with a bang with our ceo.

"Sit down!" B.I and I sat back down when both our eldest members commanded at the same time. Jinhwan had to look up to jin with his height but his gaze is intimidating when angry.

"So this is just alll because of a misunderstanding?! Dude you're..." iKON's yunhyeong didn't finish his sentence but sighed as he shook his head on me

"Hyung..." I raised at jungkook. He patted my shoulders and sat down behind me

"Aigoo... tsk tsk." iKON's Chanwoo stopped pacing to look at me then continued, shaking his head. They didn't say anything but I feel the weight on me.

"Try not telling me what's going on and I'm gonna punch you." Taehyung pouted and scratched his head. He was about to do the same thing as iKON's maknae.

"Can I cuss?" I looked at him in surprise. Is it my fault?

"Everyone round up." I looked at b.i when he spoke. My hairs stood up, his voice holds authority. This is why he's leader.

Everyone gathered and formed a circle and sat on the floor. No one spoke. He's the only one standing and then he stared at me.

"I already punched you. It depends on your explanation if I'm gonna punch you again." I stood up, seething in anger

"You're the one who stole my girlfriend!" I pushed him. His members immediately stood up.

"Hyung, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jungkook whispered. I turned to him, confused. I looked back to my opponent when I heard him laugh but there's no humor.

"Is this why you hurt her?" He glared and I don't know why, but I felt scared.

"She hurt me first! I saw you! You were the one at that coffee shop!" I was going to punch him but my members held me. I hear namjoon, jin and hoseok asking our maknaes in a whisper.

"Hyung, it's really yoongi hyung's fault. He messed up bad. We heard from iKON's maknaes." I was distracted. I couldn't follow where they're going.

"Oh, that time. You loved her?" He taunted

"You jerk! Of course I do!" Him and his members just watched me being suppressed by my members.

"I feel sorry for him. But I feel sorry for jennie more." Bobby shook his head. Why are they all so calm?!

"You should be! But I guess that's her karma. She cheated so she got cheated on!" I spat with bitterness.

If I wasn't pulled by my members, he would have landed another punch on me.

"If you think of her like that then you don't deserve her." He turned to walk out

"You weren't the one who was betrayed! You don't know I felt when she came running to you! I couldn't bare seeing her kiss you. What did you want me to do.Just stare at that and give you a clap?!" He turned back to look at me and marched forward

"Maybe if you weren't such a coward my sister would've introduced me to you like she have been spouting since we've met!" I froze.

"I believe she told you she has a lost half-brother?" I couldn't speak.

"That's right. Kim hanbin. Jennie Anne Kim's older half-brother. At your fucking service." He bowed mockingly.

"She almost died because of you. Show me your worth and I may give you my blessing." He punched my shoulder lightly and went out.

"Wh-what do you mean she almost died?" I grabbed bobby's arm before he can go. I still can't believe what I'm hearing.

"We won't feed you everything. Find out for yourself." He took my hands off and went after their leader.

"Jennie has become our family too. Just don't show yourself to her if you just plan on breaking her again." Jinhwan bumped my shoulder on his way out.

"You hurt her and I know you were hurt too. But don't ever blame jennie for your pain. You did it to yourself." Yunhyeong's word strucked me like a sword. I did this to myself.

"I'm taller, but you're still older than me. Hyung, just an advice, don't face her just yet if you can't forgive yourself. Reflect and repent. Cause trust me, there's more that you don't know and if you're not brave enough, you might fall and not be able to come up again." Junhoe towered over me, his deep voice made it loud and clear.

"I think they've already said everything but here's one more. A thought for the soul. She left everything behind, but never you..." I looked at donghyuk with hope

"But what she holds on to you, might need a great sacrifice. Are you willing to make that sacrifice and leave nothing for yourself? Cause until now, even after with what you did, she still cares for you more than she hates to admit herself. If she didn't, trust me, you wouldn't be here right now." He continued and left. My knees gave up. I sat to the floor, stunned. Every words pierced through me.

"You need to know one more thing." My head snapped to jin

"I know! I'm not telling him. He needs to find out for himself but he needs to know atleast the weight of what he did." Jin glared at namjoon and I looked at them at a lost

"We know something you don't. We planned on telling you after we've made sure what know is 100% correct, but after hearing jennie's side. All I can say is... I can't imagine what she's been through and what I know... what we know..." I looked around everyone and just realized they all agreed to what the iKON members have said.

"Isn't even all there is. We don't know what they meant when they said you almost killed her." He was looking for the right words.

"What he meant to say is that you need to brace yourself on what's to come. I know everything is not yet sinking in your mind, but you have to be strong hyung." Jimin patted my back.

"We can't help you. You have to do it yourself. If you're ready, we're here for you." Hoseok squatted down so I can see him eye to eye. A hand over my shoulder. He gave it a tight squeeze before standing up.

"You've done your part in the group. We achieved things as a group, more than what we bargained for. You have our permission to think of yourself first and don't worry about us, cause we'll always be here no matter what." My mind's exhausted. It's like they're talking in cryptic messages.

We were sent home but I've been lost in thought all the way. Thankfully, no one tried to talk to me.

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