Chapter 40 - YoonNie FTW

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"Eomma..." sky poked my cheek

"Eomma!" Woozi shook my body

"Huh? Wh-what?" I turned to them and they tilted their heads on the left side at the same time.

"You're scaring us.. you have this creepy smile then you giggle and sigh smiling."

"Oh I look scary huh, scaryy~" they squealed and ran as I chase to tickle them.

They tried to free theirselves from my grasp but they're too weak from too much laughing.

"Eomma! I'm dying!" Woozi said in between laughs. Sky's tears forming on her eyes.

Seesaw echoed through the room and my heart started beating fast. You are so whipped jennie kim. It's just a call. I excused myself from the kids and answered his call.

"Hey..." I closed the bathroom door and locked it

"You didn't text me. Did you go home safely?" I bit my lips. I closed the lid of the toilet bowl and sat down

"I got preoccupied, sorry." He chuckled, sending goosebumps to my body. What a flirt!

"I miss you." I covered my phone and squealed a little

"I miss you too." I hear my twins calling me

• • •

"What's that?" I hear someone in the background.

"They're calling me. I have to go. Catch up to you soon?" I didn't answer.

"Yoongi?" Hearing her call my name again made my heart flutter.

"Hmm. See you." She chuckled and said goobye.

I stared at my phone, hoping it'll ring.

"Hyung, you just got off phone with her." I pouted

"That wasn't even a minute long." Namjoon dat beside me and opened his mouth to speak but closed it back again

"What?" I looked at him in the eye so he can't avoid

"Did.. uhm.. did she tell you anything?"

"I mean you know, when hanbin said you might have to choose.." oh.

"Not yet. She did try though." I remember her stuttering earlier

"You've made up your mind?" I didn't need to think twice. I nodded.

"Ok, Let's think of possible scenarios that can make you chose her or your career." I sat up straight as the members gathered.

"What if... she discloses some of your personal info? You know, with her being the editor in chief?" Jin hyung asked

"It will affect her job more than it'll affect mine." They nodded and scratched their heads

"Well this is harder than we thought." Hoseok scratched his chin thinking

"Hyung hyung. Me me." I raised a brow at taehyung who was raising his hands

"What if she has someone else?" My brows furrowed

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what if she's dating me?"

"I'd have to kill you. But jokes, not joking, aside, her brother won't be giving his permission to me if she was."

"Aha! What if she's already married?"

"It was my mistake to think of her cheating. She's not a cheater and she wouldn't have let me touch her, again, if she was."

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