Chapter 3

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I almost decided to drive myself to school next morning, but then decided to walk. The weather was nice and the school wasn't that far. I made it there with plenty of time to spare, and decided to pull my hairbrush out of my backpack and fix my hair real quick, when I saw Danny.

"Hey, Danny," I said quietly when he got closer to me.

He stopped and looked at me. A small 'I-know-you-from-somewhere' frown greased his forehead.

"I am Stephanie Palmer," I said quickly. "You used to trim our front lawn a couple of summers ago..."

"Oh, yeah," he said, and his frown was gone. "That's right... What's up?"

"Not much," I shrugged. "Trisha said you were home-schooled?"

"Yeah," he shuddered. "Nightmare it was..."

"I was home-schooled too," I said, and he looked at me sympathetically.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"No, it's all right," I shoved my hairbrush into my backpack again. "I just want to ask you something..."

"Sure, go ahead," he looked around and smiled at a blonde girl who waved to him.

"How long ago did you come to this school?"

"A semester ago," he said.

"That's all?!" I was amazed. "It looks like you know everybody, and everybody knows you..."

"Yeah," he agreed with a small smile. "I come in handy..."

"How..." I stuttered. "How did you manage to make so many friends so quickly?"

"Not friends," he looked at me with his grey eyes. "Acquaintances. I only have, like, three or four real friends. All these people," he looked around. "They are not friends. They are..." he smiled again. "Customers."

"Yeah," I mumbled, feeling uncomfortable. "Trisha told me..."

"It's just a job," he shrugged. "Pays well and I don't have to worry about hours and such."

"What if you get... you know..." I looked around and he laughed.

"Busted? That's not gonna happen! I am good at what I am doing. And even if I will get busted one of those days..." He shrugged. "The worst thing that's gonna happen, they will suspend me from school for a week, that's all. I am not stupid, you know... I don't keep heavy stuff on me. The only thing they'll be able to find on me is some pot, and nobody cares about that..." He smiled at me once more. "If you ever need anything, let me know. I'll give you a discount, since I know you, and you were home-schooled."

"What does home school have to do with that?" I was confused, and Danny laughed again.

"It's like a prison, lady! You deserve a discount!"

"Oh," I laughed at that weakly. "Right... I don't do that stuff though..."

"Shit happens," he shrugged. "You never know..."

"Right," I said again and saw Trisha. I waved to her.

"Okay then," Danny said. "See you around."

"Bye," I said, but he already walked off.

Trisha looked at me with wide eyes.

"Okay," she said when she got closer. "First things first. Your hair is, like, wow! Very awesome... And the second thing..." She looked at Danny. "I thought you said you didn't use anything..."

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