Chapter 5

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Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult. 
~ Hippocrates (460-370 BC) Greek physician

He’d had another vivid dream.  This time he remembered every detail in colour.

The Baron Harkonnen had declared a holiday and all were expected to attend the unveiling, Noble and Slave alike. Positioned in an advantageous point, the statue of the Old Baron would keep an eye on all.  Six hours of speeches later, all vaulting the Baron, the statue was exposed for the world to see.

While he still remembered he needed to record it. He reached for his PDA.


The planning of an Exodus of any scale is a daunting affair.  The planning in secret; borders on the impossible.  As the plans proceeded the first to have been plucked were The Kwisatz Mother Farrah and the New Reverend Mother Alexi.

They arrived on Arakkis despite the orders of the Empress and prepared to pay the price for the disobedience. 

Leaving Alexi to another Reverend Mother, Farrah met with Mo’Hadin.

“You are sure of the reincarnation theory?” Farrah questioned and then answered her own question. “Of course you are sure.”

“How sure can one be sure of a theory that has not been tested?” Mo’Hadin responded.  “A hypothesis that states one day the genetic reincarnation of Paul Atreides will be produced?” 

“Sounds more like the ramblings of a religious zealot to me.”  Farrah was skeptical.

“There are indications of out of the ordinary ability in the younger.” Mo’Hadin related what she had observed between Dax and the Sand Worm. 

“We will need to investigate this more.”  Farrah stated.

“Undoubtedly.” Mo’Hadin agreed.  “You have the latest database on the Kwisatz program?”

Farrah handed over the data disc.  “Mother Superior concurs. She must mate with an Atreides male.”

“Amasso?” Mo’Hadin inquired.  “Who has not been seen in weeks?”

“Assuming that the theory is proven, then Dax.” Farrah stated.  “What do you mean – not seen in week?”

“Just that.  He’s gone on a pilgrimage into the desert to dry out.” Mo’Hadin explained.  Seeing Farrah’s puzzlement, she elaborated, “The Spice is not his only addiction. He likes the byproducts too – in particular the Wine.”



Yousif approached his wife Sophia. “It has been two days does he still says nothing?” 

“Still only Dax.” 

“Dax?” he echoed. 

“Dax.” She repeated. 

He took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. “What are we to do with him?” 

“We keep him until Allah shows the way.” 

“Then in the mean time he must learn Dellecian. This one-word vocabulary will not work.”  He pronounced.  “What is this word 


“Dax.” She reminded her husband. 

He snorted. “Dax indeed. What is a Dax?” Then he paused. “Or WHO is Dax!!”

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