Chapter 29

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"Believe nothing. No matter where you read it,

Or who said it,

Even if I have said it,

Unless it agrees with your own reason

And your own common sense."

Buddha, The Dhammapada

Dax stood before the full-length mirror and adjusted the collar to his uniform. Like his twin, he was a Major and like his twin, there was nothing honourary about it. He was Fremen, son of a Sword Master and an Empress – that alone meant that he had had the best of training.

There was a knock and Ammaso entered.

Dax turned from the reflection in the mirror to the reflection in the room. They really did look alike and had had enough good times fooling all as to who was whom.

Dax took one last look into the mirror as Amasso spoke. "One way or another; this is going to be a historic day."

Not bothering to turn to look his way, Dax replied: "And then some."

"Know something I don't little brother?" He probed.

This time Dax returned his twin's gaze. "House Atreides will stand or fall this day."

Amasso studied Dax. "You know something."

"I know what can be. I don't know what will be."

"And therein lies the difference." Amasso conceded.

"And therein lies the difference." Dax echoed. "Time to go."

Amasso hesitated.

"Mas?" Dax called. "Something wrong?'

"Shar'Lem, liked to see me in my dress uniform."

Dax got sober too, he had liked the woman, she had been good for his brother and now he was without her, Amasso seemed to have no direction. He stood mute. What could one say?

"I miss her, Dax," Amasso whispered.

"I know. I know." He really did, for he missed her too. Oppressed by the feeling of loss the two brothers walked out the door.


There they all were:

House Harkonnen

House Corinno

House Richa'ard

House Richese

The Bene Gesserit

The Bene Tleilaxu

The Spacing Guild

The Supreme Sword Master of Ecaz and many others...

It had not taken long for the convening of the Landsraad to disintegrate into near chaos. Emotions were running high.

Arista with her Royal Cabinet, less Mick'N and Alexi sat on the elevated stage. As her heir, Dax was the closest to her and by projection; the two were maintaining vocal contact even as speaker after speaker took to the floor and condemned the twin acts of terrorism.

The Telauxu informed them that Urban Warfare had increased and accused the Bene Gesserit Exodus of the groundswell.

House Richa'ard demanded the creation of a weapons inspection team to examine every transport in the Empire.

The Spacing Guild had but one concern: The Spice Must Flow.

So far the gathering had gone through the motions. Speaker after speaker said basically the same thing; Arista could have conducted the meeting in her sleep.

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