Chapter 38

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The probability of failure is directly proportional

to the number and importance of the people watching.

Zumwalt's Law

Dax had returned.

He had given all Fremen two days to gather at Sietch Paxtang. Now a few million of his people, some would say a billion had gathered here. No matter, the fact remained that they had come.

The Naibs were gathered at the front of the throng and Mick'N indicated to Dax that he had the floor.

"Once again we find our homeworld under the control of the Harkonnens." His voice carried to all corners. "He who can kill a thing controls it - We must stop spice production. And..." He paused for dramatic effect. "We will kill until no Harkonnen breathes Arrakeen air."

As had occurred once before they chanted: "Maud'Dib! Maud'Dib! Maud'Dib!" They had The Maud'Dib – now there would be a balance in the Universe or there would be Jihad!

He held up his hand and silence descended. "I have no need for the Water of Life. I have been given the Essence of Life by Shai-Hulud and this time the Universe will understand that one does not go against the will of God!"


Dax made a simple statement to Shai-Hulud. "Spice production must stop." It was a mere statement, there was no emotion behind it, just pure resolve, but the worms had come to him and they would do the will of The Maud'Dib.


Any Fremen who had fought two battles with Dax was familiar with the modus operandi. The soldiers would return whether victorious or beaten and Dax would find his way to Alexi. Like a piece of metal to a magnet; there was no turning left or right or pausing or shedding of still suits. He would head for the Command Room where she would be waiting for him.

She never met him out in the open; always in the Command and Control Room. If his lifeless body came back to her, she wanted a moment's peace. If he came back alive, she wanted a modicum of privacy for his return.

This day was no different. The militia arrived – victorious and Dax went in search of Alexi. Kynes had chosen that moment to intercept Dax for his interview. Dax sidestepped him. Kynes kept following. Finally, a Fremen grabbed him from behind. "It will wait." He was told. He attempted to object. The eyes of the man hardened. "IT WILL WAIT!"

Dax entered the C and C and spotted Alexi with the Naibs N'Gia and Mick'N. "Good." She said, she had not seen him yet, so intent was her focus. "But we need to adjust the spacing. Make them a meter closer that way the cascading effect will be more effective."

She turned suddenly. She had sensed his arrival. She moved to meet him halfway. In one motion he slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her. A kiss she returned with equal passion. That done they returned to the maps on the desk. No words were ever exchanged – none were needed. He was home and alive; all further demonstrations were conducted in private.

"It was a victory Maud'Dib." N'Gia wasn't asking.

"A victory," Dax confirmed.

"I still say that you should not be out there." Mick'N "If something happens to you then that is the end of House Atreides." The old man could not bring himself to express his concerns any more bluntly than that.

"We discussed this." Alexi reminded him.

"I must be out there," Dax said gently. "I am the eye around which this tempest swirls." Mick'N nodded to say 'I know. I know.' "If I am not there as the rallying point Arakkis will remain Harkonnen." Dax ended.

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