Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

As for the unbelievers, their works are like a mirage in a desert.

The thirsty traveller thinks it is water, but when he comes near he finds that it is nothing.

He finds Allah there, who pays him back in full. Swift is Allah's reckoning.

24:36 Qu'ran

Arista had convened a meeting of the chief elements of CHOAM: The Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles. Controlled by the Empress and Great Houses, with the Spacing Guild and the Bene Gesserit as silent partners, CHOAM as the development corporation was set along the lines of Ancient Chambers of Commerce, and had as its mandate the improvement of the fortunes of the Houses both figuratively and literally, of its members.

Today they were all in attendance. She had had enough of the petty plays of the various factions and she was about to exert the force of the Throne upon matters. She really was not in a mood for negotiations or even the suggestion of one. She would eat this delegation, hoof, hide and all if she had too.

"Members, this meeting is not convened for your approval. I am here to insist that the SOLIS be enforced." She launched. "Two years ago CHOAM hammered out and presented to me the 'Safety of Life in Space Protocols' and NOT ONE HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED!"

The members around the table remained silent.

"Now here we are. Faced with terrorist activities that clearly could have been avoided had they been enacted as agreed." She looked at each member. "Well enough. With immediate effect I expect members to commence implementation of the protocols to be in place. In particular..."

She read the protocols from the PDA.

"That the automatic identification system be fitted to all ships both passenger and cargo. That the ID Numbers be permanently marked on the hull and be highly visible. That the Master/Captain of the vessel be allowed to execute their professional judgment in the areas of security and that the owner is not to intervene. That all vessels should have security alert systems for ship to shore contact. That there be increased restriction to Port areas, with the attendant enforcement of ID tags to persons and to vehicles. That there be confirmation of the security level at which the ship operated in any previous port where it has conducted relevant ship/port interface."

She slammed the PDA on to the table making some members jump. "Questions?"

"Sire." The Landsraad Representative said, "This will take time. We will require a multi-disciplinary task force. There will be Financial Implications."

"You have six months." She replied stone-faced.

The Guild Navigation blanched. "That is impossible! We could never meet that deadline."

"You will or I will cut spice production in half." She advised.

"NO! The Spice MUST flow!" The Navigator beseeched.

"Be reasonable, Highness." Reverend Mother Mo'Hadin resident Ambassador to the Court asked.

"Reasonable?" Arista echoed in the same calm tone as the Reverend Mother. "The death toll from the twin attacks is three-quarter million and rising. The protocols will be enforced or the supply of the spice will be stopped." She had upped the stakes and then stood to leave. "Six months people." She left a stunned CHOAM.

"Six months!" The Landsraad Liaison wailed. "It cannot be done!"

"It can be done in four." The CHOAM President, Nemac spoke for the first time. She looked at the Navigator "And well you know it."

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