Chapter 35

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Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings,

they did it by killing all those who opposed them.


Arista reared up like a sand worm that had had its rings opened and exposed to sand. "He's dead! Duncan is dead!" she sobbed. [Oh God how can I bare this! First my son and now the Love of my life! Damn this Atreides duty that binds us in a grip more surely than death! If I could have them back I'd renounce my Throne in an instant!] Arista was inconsolable. Being on the back of a traveling worm gave her the precious moments she needed to be wife, mother, woman, and human. She would have to shed all soon enough to emerge as Empress.

Her initial wave of grief indulged she spoke to Dax in a low throaty grim voice, her eyes had sunken into a pale face and met those of her equally stricken only-remaining son. "Duncan is dead," she repeated with. "These Harkonnens will pay." With every vow her resolve hardened. "They MUST pay! Blood will soak the desert for the destruction of my husband and son! I, Empress Arista of the House of Atreides, of the lineage of Maud'hib, swear this!"

Dax reflected his mother's determination. "I know."

He pulled out his communicator and called upon Mick'N to relay the news, as they continued to ride the worm. [Why am I so numb? My father is dead. My brother – my TWIN is dead.] All he could feel was the rhythm of the Worm that carried them to safety. [I will avenge the death of my family. This is my promise to you Amasso. Then, maybe I will weep. Till then I must remain focused and protect our mother... and my mate. This I promise you, Amasso.]


The Sardaukar Captain saluted. "Emperor, reports indicate that both Lords Amasso and his father Duncan are dead, Lord Dax and the Empress have escaped as have a significant number of their military.

"Damn!" Rammen was not happy.

"Patience." Vlad cooed. "They too will fall before us."

"Sire!" A Sardaukar reported, "A Bene Gesserit is requesting an audience."

The two conspirators exchanged glances. "Send her in." Vlad ordered.

Reverend Mother Mo'Hadin entered. "M'Lords."

"What do you want, Witch." Rammen demanded.

Vlad was smoother. "Your name Sister?"


"Ah yes. Reverend Mother Mo'Hadin as you can well understand there is much to be done – this is an auspicious day. We have liberated the people of Arakkis. So – what may we do for you?"

"It is I who have come to serve. To present our Ambassadorial credentials to the New Ruler... and that is?" She slipped in the thin edge of the wedge.

Before Rammen could comment, Vlad replied. "Thank you."


Paxtang was a Sietch deep in the uncharted territories. Habit, distrust and caution were attributes that Fremen found hard to give up and the Fremen had never allowed the Planet to be charted.

That is where Mick'N and his people awaited Dax.

Mick'N announced to the members "House Atreides has fallen, both Lords Amasso and his father Duncan are dead, Lord Dax and the Empress are riding a worm towards us, with the balance of the Fedaykin to follow."

Alexi didn't know if to laugh with relief that Dax was safe or to cry at the loss of Amasso and Duncan.


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