Chapter 25

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The cloning of humans is on most of the lists of things to worry about from Science,
along with behaviour control, genetic engineering, transplanted heads, computer poetry
and the unrestrained growth of plastic flowers.
Lewis Thomas (1913 - 1993)

It was not often that Family Atreides gathered as Family.  They could usually be found in a variety of combinations but it was becoming rare to see all gathered together except for formal occasions.  The worm ride changed the status quo.

The four gathered in the living quarters of Arista and Duncan.  They were set up in the Ancient Roman style of a circle of chaise longues.  Each member was perched on one and the family was profiting the opportunity to have dinner at the same time.  Once the provisions had been laid out and the wine poured, the assistants were dismissed.

“THAT was some ride.” Amasso teased his sibling then sipped his wine.

Dax didn’t know where to start so he said nothing.

Duncan frowned at Amasso’s action but he too remained silent.

Arista cleared her throat and gently encouraged her son. “Dax, what happened out there?”

“As you well know there is always worm sign around me, but I never get attacked.  There has to be something going on between me and the worms.”

“Something?” Duncan prompted one son as he eyed the other.

“Well, I really can’t explain it more than that.” He continued, “I had an insight that if I called; that one would come and more than that, it would do my bidding.”

Arista sat up.  “Your bidding?” she exchanged glances with Duncan.

Dax nodded.

Amasso refilled his glass.  “You are trying to tell us that you are controlling the Sand Worms of Dune?”

“I’m telling you that the Worm did my bidding beyond that I don’t know WHAT is happening!”  He was getting distraught.

“Enough!” Duncan ordered; would these two ever settle down?  “…anything else to add, Son?”

“Well. I think the worms may be falling ill.” He proceeded to tell them of the growth he had seen on the worm that he had ridden.

Arista became quiet as she remembered the memo from Kyens.  She mentally groaned 'This is a year designed to test me. Will it never end? Is that what Keynes wants to see me about?'

She put on her ‘family’ face and returned to the present to enjoy the infrequent pleasure of dining with her family.  She needed the semblance of this normality to give her the breathing space.  Despite her best efforts her mind churned.  'I need to start making plans and examine the possibilities in this situation presents. The power potential here is astronomicalThis meal will have to be over with soon. With Dax making that display in public; the Bene Gesserit and Landsraad will reaction to this possible repeat of history is sure to come.'

She barely heard the chatter about her. 'I were them I'd be making immediate plans to assassinate Dax. I need to be plan how to protect this House and my son!'

She gave up the charade of family time. She was about to end the dinnertime, when Dax dropped the bombshell.  "I have named the Lady Alexi as my Consort."  He was standing behind his mother where there was a wider range of drinks were available.

"WHAT!" Amasso demanded.  "Just who the hell do you think you are?! You just walk in and claim as you see fit? Give me a break!!”

Arista paused in midaction. She had been about to reach for an olive when her para-bindu reflexes kicked in. In a blur she rolled over and landed on the floor as Amasso flung his goblet at Dax.  Despite his having been drinking he moved with lightening speed but not great accuracy.  The goblet missed his mother and imbedded itself in the wall behind her.

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