Chapter 20

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Que Sera Sera
What ever will be will be.
The future’s not ours to see.
Que Sera Sera
What will be will be.
Favourite Lullaby of Grand Dame Atreides
Grand Mother to the Emperor Dax

Dax stood on the outcrop and said simply.  “Shai-Hulud – It is I, Dax.  I need you. Come to me – your humble servant.”  There were no thumping, no regular noises just his voice on the wind.

Silence descended as Dax and Alexi waited.

He was about to test a theory.  If he was right … IF HE WAS RIGHT! Then he was about to drag humanity into an era to challenge that of Maud'Dib and the Tyrant.

He contemplated his place in the Universe.  He was either about to make history or a fool of himself in front of Alexi no less.  Alexi, his thoughts drifted to her again.   There was no doubt that she had been brought to Dune to be the consort of the Emperor – him.  With every passing day he realized the wisdom in having the right partner.  The role was a weighty one – the right partner could make it easier.  His mother had his father and he wanted that.  If he were to survive the future – he NEEDED that.

Dax confessed softly "Alexi I dream of you and call your name for one reason only."

"I know."

He turned "You do?"

She nodded. "You hit your head when the elevator malfunctioned."

He chuckled. "You have no idea."

"It is nice for friends to appreciate each other." She baited him.

"No! No! No!" He wasn't getting through to her.

“Why?” She wanted to make sure that she had not misunderstood this conversation.

He watched her closely as he uttered the prophetic vision, “As I am to be father to a new epoch you are to be mother.”

“Is that all?” She taunted.  “Parents to a new epoch?  Oh well why didn’t you say so from the beginning?”  Then she got serious.  “This is a serious commission, M’Lord – are you sure?”

“When my mother sat Amasso and I down for THAT conversation, you know the one – the one that explained the differences between the sexes.  She told us that, regardless of the age it happens, we would only become men when we know the woman that we wanted.  Till then we would remain mere boys.  I have come to realize that to become the man I desire to be I will need you.”

A tear rolled down Alexi’s cheek at the honesty of his statement.  He would never understand women. What was wrong now! He wiped her cheek with a caress.  "I'm sorry Alexi.  The last few months have been a revelation to me.  Being locked up in the elevator I had time to review aspects of my life and the results were life changing to say the least."

"I have wondered about that day." She revealed.  “I would be honoured M’Lord.”

“Dax.” He corrected.  “My name is Dax.”

She tried out the name. “Dax.” Then she sort clarification, just to be sure. “… and what exactly will this new role entail?”

He nodded as he realized that he had to clarify his position a bit more.  “In one word ‘Consort’ I am offering nothing less than for you to become my partner.” He was about to hold her and seal the shift in the relationship with a kiss when the ground rumbled.

He fell to his knees weak from the implications of what was about to unfold.


A somber Baron Vladimir arrived at the site of the disaster as he made his first trip to view the crumpled remains of The Tower of Strength.  He arrived in the morning not wanting to be caught in the midday sun.

The Baron donned a personal shield configured for construction sites and toured the disaster location.  Actually seeing the devastation wrought on the statue was too much; he was inconsolable - not for the loss of the lives of the citizens of Giedi Prime, but for the loss of the tribute to his ancestor.

He vowed to his ancestor and not coincidentally the press corps following him.  "We will rebuild this tribute... “ Deep within his heart he completed the vow […and then the rest of the Universe will hear from House Harkonnen.]


“Daaaax!” Alexi screamed.  She’d never seen a wild worm before and certainly never been this close to one.  She struggled to regain control by repeating the litany against fear…

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear. I will allow my fear to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone I will turn my inner eye to see its path.
And where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

Lost in the unfolding events Dax didn’t respond to her call.  Remaining on his knees he felt the fast approach of the Goliath.  Racing towards the man as if with no intension of stopping the worm zoomed along displacing mountains of sand as it approached, finally with two meters to spare the leviathan stopped before the man who had summoned it.

The sand worm reared up slightly and paused before the genuflecting man.

Alexi stared in amazement at the tableau of the kneeling man before the giant.

Realizing that first, the worm had no intension of devouring him or his Consort and second that it seemed to be waiting.  Dax ventured to continue the test.

He stood “Oh Great One.  I am in need of assistance.  I need to get to Arakkis City as we approach the brink of genocide.  Will you consent to let me and my Consort ride the sands with you as our guide?”  A double dose of presumption he knew, Alexi had not answered and the worm may yet devour him.

In response the worm lay down.

There was the proof.  The Great Sand Worms of Dune responded to him!  He was right! He was about to drag humanity into an era to challenge that of Maud'Dib and the Tyrant!

As he and Alexi mounted the waiting worm he said to her. “You must now decide where your loyalties lie. You cannot serve two masters.”

On that note the worm rose and headed for Arakkis City.








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