Chapter 23

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Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Where is Dax!” Amasso looked out the window in frustration for the millionth time.  This time he saw something that required witnesses.  “Mother! Father!”

The squeal that they had not heard from their son since he was six brought them running. All he could do was point.

Before their eyes and that of Arakkis City, Dax Atreides lowered the shield and rode the worm up to the doorstep of the Palace.  The worm was obviously under his control and when he and Alexi stepped down and he spoke to the worm, it nodded, turned and left – there was no doubt.

“Great Maker.  He controls the worms!” Arista shuddered.


The Lady Alexi reported to the Reverend Mother Farrah as ordered.   It would be the last time.  She had just ridden a sand worm and lived to tell the tale, she was the Cabinet Secretary but most important she was Consort to the NaEmperor.

Farrah sensed the change.  “What was the result of that walkabout in the desert?”

“He has named me Consort.”  Alexi reported.

“Indeed?” This was beyond Farrah’s expectations.  “Then we expect the female offspring soon.” She noted Alexi’s hesitancy and probed. “Alexi?”

“I have reason to suspect that the breeding program may face a set back.” She replied.

“Explain.”  Farrah ordered.

“He may be the Kwisatz Haderach.”

“Dax?”  Farrah stated the obvious to be sure.  “Great Mother.”

Alexi nodded.  “Be warned Moth…”

“Warned!” Farrah cut across her.

“Warned.” Alexi confirmed.  “It is not the modus opperdani for an Atreides male to marry his Consort.  I expect the same here, but as the bound concubine of the NaEmperor it is my duty to ensure to the best of my ability, his safety.”

She turned to leave but not before adding. “In future you will come to me.”


Alexi entered her quarters; she rounded her desk and there it was.

A single long stemmed red rose.

She involuntarily looked up to see if anyone was observing her. They were not.  She picked up the rose to sniff. There was something about the scent of a rose.  She smiled to herself; apparently Dax was wasting no time. She was convinced it was him who else could it be?  She spotted the card and read it.

My mother will have my water for raiding the arboretum,
but only the best for the best. 
Love Dax.

She went in search of a vase before heading for the latest Cabinet Meeting.


Dr. Thalmas Sanchez was the physician to House Atreides. As with all Doctors to the Royal Houses he was trained in the Suk way, guaranteeing his conditioning for not being capable of harming the clients he was assigned to. That promise being manifest by the diamond tattoo that all Suk graduates carried on their forehead.  

The Suk Medical Society had taken a thousand years to recover from the treachery shown by Dr. Wellington Yueh who had been assigned to House Atreides in the time of Maud'Dib.  The Harkonnens had broken Yueh’s conditioning and the fact that a Suk Doctor's training could be broken had been a shock to the Suk Medical Society and the entire Landsraad.

With five years of service to House Atreides, Thalmas still thought of as the new Physician, the previous one having died of Spice Addiction.  He was a tall man with spider-black eyes and full, pouting lips. At certain angles he called to mind Al Samoud Harkonnen, but a background check had cleared him for service. He carried his long, black hair in a "Suk School" silver ring down the center of his back.

Having been quickly briefed by Lord Dax, the Doctor was now in search of the Lady Alexi.  He finally caught up with the Cabinet Secretary.  “My Lady!”

Alexi turned vase still in hand.  “Yes, Dr. Sanchez?”

“May I speak with you privately?”

“Of course this way.” She led him into her office. “Now… How may I assist?”

“My lady, Lord Dax has informed me of your change in designation and before the household move you into his quarters I must conduct a physical.”  He wasn’t the least uncomfortable with the topic.  Seemed that Suk training prepared one for anything, well Bene Gesserit training was good as any, if not better.

“Will now suit you, Doctor?” She prepared to strip.


As Giedi Prime sought to resume its normal pace, the Guild reopened the Spaceports.


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