Chapter 14

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Until the philosophy, which holds one race superior and another inferior;
Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned…

…There will be WAR.

Excerpt from Address to the Landsraad
By the representative of the people of Caladan
H. I. M. Haile Selassi I,
The Conquering Lion of Judah
-- Bene Gesserit Archives --


aving just finished their early morning run, Amasso and Dax were walking back and chatting about the upcoming mission to Salusa Secundus when they saw the Onithopeter land and a Regal looking Arista disembark.

"Figures" They said in unison. Too far to call out or even join their mother the two continued the saunter back.

"Ever looked at Mum as a woman?" Amasso asked.

"Yeah." Dax drawled and blushed slightly. "She's gorgeous. I can see why Dad fell for her."

"Yeah." was all Amasso added. As they walked Dax said, “Listen… about before.”

“What do you mean?” Amasso asked.

Dax explained “This thing with Alexi and I… we’re just friends.  So don’t let it bother you all right?”

“OK” Amasso replied. He was confused, why did Dax suddenly out of the blue start this discussion?  Something was up.

“It’s bothering you.” Dax insisted.

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” Amasso lied.

“Well you were sensing something”

Amasso admitted “Well yes.”

“There you go.” Dax was triumphant.

Amasso informed his twin “I don’t think about your relationships - any of them they don’t mean anything to me. Never have.”

Dax sobered up “Right just don't assume anything all right.”

”Like what!” This was getting maddening.

”Like nothing.” Dax replied, “Whatever you're thinking you're probably wrong.”

Amasso sighed in resignation “If you say so.” But thought 'But I know better!'

“...Cause Alexi and I are just friends.”

Amasso defended himself “Now I didn't say you weren't.”

“I know.”

“Is there some reason to believe otherwise?” Amasso was burning with curiosity.  'Dax you don't have a clue!'


He continued “Cause you seem to be suggesting.”

“I’m not suggesting anything.” Dax defended.

They continued walking.  Then Amasso asked, “… Dax are you involved with her?”

”I'm not.”  Came the instant reply.

But Amasso knew Dax and pressed, “You sure?”

Dax didn’t reply.  Amasso stopped and Dax automatically stopped too.  “This woman intimidates you! Since when do women scare you, Dax? I don’t know this Dax Atredies - what have you done with my brother?!” He teased.

“We work together… “ Dax stammered.

“Please.” Amasso turned and walked away, then changed his mind and returned “Damn it if you're interested in her do something! It’s obvious that she likes you.”

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