Chapter 11

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A man in love has no logic.
Fremen saying

Amasso woke up with a hangover and alone in the bed, the woman he’d picked up had not dared to rob him – well not completely, she’d left him some Solaris.  He took the currency and ordered a concoction to clear his head something called Hangover Stew – it was awful, but he downed it and soon headed out to Mick'N Sietch.  God alone knew where Dax and the others had got to, he’d call later to find out.

Once there the namesake of the Sietch, Mick'N approached him.  “You cannot hide here forever.  The trial is over.  Face your mother.”

“I know. I know. But Arista is a formidable woman and I need to fortify myself.” He grinned.  “I’d rather ride Shai-Hulud than face my own mother. What kind of man am I?”

“One like any other we all answer to a higher authority.” Mick'N philosophized. “… and there is none higher than mother.  Even Naibs must answer to them.”

Amasso grinned.  “You are right my friend, but not yet…  Soon.”

“Then you are summoned as are all to a meeting seven days hence after the Hour of Lud.”  The Leader ordered.  “Your mother is expected.”


“A matter of great import.” Was all the answer he received.

“Are not all Fremen meetings of great import?”

All he got for an answer was an arched eyebrow.

So Amasso took the hard advice and prepared to return to Arakkis City.


The two Reverend Mothers took a walk in the garden. “I like it here.”  Kardon said.  “Salusa Secundus has managed to finally capture the glory of its past… In some aspects.”

“I can see why.”  Dwanna admired the surroundings “It is soothing.”
“Yes and in these times a calm surrounding can assist in many an endeavor.”

“By their very nature some breed more discontent than calm.”  Dwanna replied.

“I hear that deserts are like that.  They pose as areas of calm yet beneath … ah beneath.”  Kardon sighed.

“There are deserts here on Salusa Secundus?”  Dwanna acted surprised.

“Historically no...” Kardon replied, “But with all the craze of Museums you would be surprised what can be conjured up.”

“I’d be grateful if you’d recommend one such to visit while on my short stay here.”  Dwanna continued the dance.

“Then that would be ‘Rakis World, an imitation of the Desert Planet Arrakis.  Very detailed I’m told.”

"Sounds delightful; I must make sure to take a look at it before my vacation ends."

“Oh yes!” Kardon encouraged.  “If you visit only one place while you are here then ‘Rakis World is definitely the place.”  The two proceeded to walk the garden trails discussing various aspects of horticulture.


Rumour had it that when Duke Leto I had first arrived on Arakkis, there came with him a member of the house hold who had lived near the sea.  Missing it so, he had opened a bar and called it "The Captain's Cellar" as a way to remind him of home.  It was a respectable place - even Arista in her youth had been known to frequent the establishment.  This night her sons did the frequenting.

Amasso had returned and gone in search of Dax first.  His mother he’d face in the morning.  He was trying out the roulette table.  Having been unlucky with women logic dictated that he should be lucky with gambling.  Somehow it didn’t seem to be working out that way.

“Any luck?” T'Sao asked over the noise in the bar.
He shook his head. “Lady Luck is playing hard to get tonight."

“Come and join us you can try again later.” She encouraged.  T'Sao had met the twins at boot camp and had taken a liking to Amasso.  He was a swinger - unlike Dax.

“You go ahead. I’ll join you in a minute.” He turned his back on her to try the table again.

She looked at his back for a few seconds and left to join Savan and Dax.  “What is it with him and this roulette?!” She demanded.

Savan chuckled.  “I don’t understand it and I’ve known them all my life; one serious and one not.  I'm not calling names - mind you, I’m just saying. So roll with it or get out of the way.”

“I choose to ignore that statement on the grounds that my mother can’t afford to have another son on trail.” Dax replied and downed a beer.

Savan changed the subject.  "I see the Royal House Hold has a new addition in the shape of the ‘oh so shapely’ Lady Alexi."

Dax was about to reply when Amasso joined them.  “Oh for God’s sake! Get a grip.  You can't win every night!" Dax teased.

“I know.” Amasso replied but still looked glum.  “But I was hoping to catch a break. Ah well” he dropped onto the seat next to his brother.

“Can we please change the subject?!” T'Sao snapped.
“With pleasure.” Savan replied.  “Suggestions?”

“Fedaykin game tomorrow!” Dax started.  “I tell you solemnly.  There shall be much wailing and gnashing of teeth and I don’t mean the players!”

“Tell them!” Savan shouted but made no difference over the din.

“The son of the preacher man predicts!” Amasso chuckled.

“You doubt?” Savan challenged.

“With you on the team NEVER! Go Fedaykin!” Amasso held up his Spice beer in a bottle.

“GO FEDAYKIN!” The rest joined and clinked their drinks.

“GO FEDAYKIN!” The bar echoed the chorus.

Amasso grinned. He loved this life.  "Mad at me for the Caladan Affair?" He winked at Dax.

"Never for long." Dax replied and clinked his drink to that of his twin.  “Still mad at me for being named Heir?” His brother had taken the announcement badly and had ranted and raved in his usual manner for days.

"Never for long." Amasso echoed.  They both drank deeply all was well in the world.


Dax was running behind schedule...  that would teach him to go carousing.  He was late for a Cabinet Meeting no less.  His mother had finally --- FINALLY named an heir to the Throne. She had picked him and here he was late!  She’d have his water scattered to the desert.

He just managed to slide into the elevator as the doors closed. He jammed the button repeatedly for the Cabinet Room and leaned back against the wall.  The elevator began its climb when suddenly it lurched, shook then stopped.

“Damn it!” he swore, he grabbed the communicator only to be informed that it would take at least thirty minutes for a tech to arrive.

“Damn it!” he repeated. This was not turning out to be a good day.   He groaned. Murphy’s Law was in full effect today.  He’d forgotten his personal communicator in his Chambers where he had placed it to charge. 

He took a deep breath. Control yourself Atreides getting a coronary is not going to help.  He wondered which floors he was stuck between and if Alexi would figure out what had happened.  After all she was the Cabinet Secretary and usually had her finger on the pulse of the Palace.

He sat to await a rescue.


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