Chapter 37

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I never told my own religion nor scrutinized that of another.

I never attempted to make a convert, nor wished to change another's creed.

I am satisfied that yours must be an excellent religion to have produced a life of such exemplary virtue and correctness.

For it is in our lives, and not from our words that our religion must be judged.

Thomas Jefferson - Politician

Dax stepped out on to the outcrop and the sand rippled revealing the presence of his protector. Next to him stood Mick'N and Alexi. "I will return." He promised.

The two nodded in agreement.

Dax reached and touched Alexi's stomach, "And I will return with a name."

Her eyes bored into him and he could resist her no more, he bent and kissed her. That done he descended to the sand where he boarded the worm. "Show me." He said and the worm obeyed.


A Bene Gesserit Mentat reported to the Mother Superior. "The spice is in jeopardy. It is projected that these last three months of silence from the Fremen and Empress Arista, was the calm before the storm. Lord Dax controls the Worms of Arakkis of that there is no doubt. Such a force cannot be expected to crawl away and die. A storm is approaching. We must position ourselves to survive it."


Kyens arrived at the Sietch and stopped the first person he encountered, this happened to be Bastagen.

"Excuse me." Kynes addressed the young woman. "I'm Dr. Tho'Ma Kynes. I'm looking for Lord Dax Atreides. Can you direct me to his quarters?" Kynes had decided that Dax would have more time to listen than a busy warrior Empress. He had no idea that the Empress was no more and that there was now an Emperor in place.

Bastagen directed him to where he could find Dax then added, "... but he's not here."

Kynes stopped dead in his tracks. "Not here?"

"No... he's gone on a pilgrimage into the deep desert."

Kynes felt himself deflate. "Thank you." He said and prepared himself to wait for the return of Dax. He had no intention of addressing the Harkonnens on this matter. They were not interested in long-term planning only short-term gain.

No, Dax was the one he needed to see.


It had been a five-thumper ride, except that a thumper was not needed. Dax was passed like a baton from Sand Worm to Sand Worm until finally, they delivered him wherever it was they needed him to be. They arrived at the post spice blow just as the second moon rose. There was melange all over the place and the raw smell of cinnamon was everywhere.

Dax descended and looked around. He knew this place! He hadn't been here in years but he remembered like it was yesterday. He, Amasso and their father had come here soon after Amasso had come back from the Mesa that time he had gone to face his drinking problem... the pleasant memory soured - now Amasso was dead.

He looked around.

This was Abu Simbel - a set of two temples constructed by Ramesses Atreides III who reigned for two hundred and sixty-seven years, approximately four thousand years ago.

Ramesses had seen the data file on the original Abu Simbel and had proceeded to replicate it in the desert. By coincidence, he already had the name of the ruler. Why not his Temple?

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