Chapter 7

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All that is gold, does not glitter
All those who wonder, are not lost.
~ Magician Gandalf of Middle Earth
Despite the agreement that there would be no talk of work in the Chambers of the Empress and her Consort there were times that it could not be helped.  This was such a time.
As they lay in bed arms and legs entangled in each other the topic was broached.  “Amasso has been accused of a laundry list of crimes including working for the enemy.” Arista replied in an unemotional tone to Duncan, who wasn’t fooled in the slightest.
He took a deep breath and sighed.  “They look like two peas in a pod and yet are so different.” He said in description of his sons.
“So Dax informs me.  Did you even know he was off world?” She asked.
“Not a clue! You?” 
“None. But in typical twin manner Dax knew.”
“Now what?” Duncan was worried as a soldier he knew what such accusations meant.
She snorted, adjusted her body to look at him.  “Now, my love I must decide. Follow Alia, of The Knife and do as I please? Or follow Leto Atreides the First and do what is just.”
He swallowed hard.  “Do the right thing.  If only for the reason that it is right.”
“And lose a son?” She wailed.
“And lose a son.” He echoed and drew close to comfort her.
In the safety of his arms she confessed. “My concern is – how can I control an Empire when I can’t even control my sons?”
“An Empire is simpler, my love.” Idaho assured her.  “Believe me I know.”
Tho’Ma Kynes loved presenting to children. They were such sponges.  They are curious about everything and not afraid to ask any question that happened to pop into their heads.
Kynes was the latest in a long line of Planetologists first started by Pardot Kynes and later by his son Liet and like his forefathers he was passionately protective of the Planet Arakkis.  Like House Atreides he too had gone native to the point of being as brown skinned and blue in blue eyed as any Fremen.
Today he would get his usual satisfaction plus a lesson to set him down a new path.
Having been introduced he set about establishing the parameters on Climate Change.  "There is a layer of gas around most planets that acts like a blanket. These gases called greenhouse gasses keep the temperature underneath stable."
He got his first interruption, when a little hand flew up. "Yes?" He encouraged.
"Does Arakkis have this gas?" A little boy asked.
"Indeed we do.  Infact in recent decades the chemical balance has changed and temperatures have risen."
Second interruption; this was going to be an interactive class - the kind he liked.  "My mommy says it's called global warming."
"... and she is very correct." Kynes was almost joyous.  "Global Warming is not a good thing and as such action by all is needed to reduce the risk of climate change caused by global warming."
"Not a good thing?" One asked.
"No!" A voice from a corner replied, "It's hot!... Isn't it Dr. Kynes?... Isn't it hot?"
Thirty trusting faces looked up to him for the reply.  "Yes it is hot... and it could get hotter."
"Why?" A little girl asked.
"Didn't you listen?" Her friend poked her in the ribs.  "Its Global Warming."
Kynes watched the little girl deflate at the reprimand he came to her rescue.  "I know what you mean.  Global Warming is caused because of the increasing use of coal, oil and natural gas for heating and energy, especially for transport, and clearing of forests around worlds, which has caused a large increase in greenhouse gas emissions."
Frowns appeared on some faces.  A hand flew up.  "Sir?"
Kynes nodded for her to speak.  "But we don't have forests to cut."
"No but Giedie Prime does and so does Kaitian and a number of other planets." He continued, "But we do have the vehicle emissions of off-worlders that create carbon dioxide, which is a major greenhouse gas, and remember on agricultural planets there too is an important source of our greenhouse gas emissions as Methane is produced in the stomachs of grass-eating animals such as sheep and cattle, then belched into the atmosphere." 
He added one last point.  “Also the seat of the Empire is here on Arrakis. We have a large city population here that uses a lot of imported fuels, etc., to keep us going.”
“Like the Mojave Power plant.” The teacher added. “Remember? We visited it.”
“Exactly” He agreed.
"Are we going to die?"  They were getting scared, time to change strategy.
"Not today." He chuckled, "One of the ways to fight Climate Change is to plant trees.  Can you think of any others?"
"Stop burning!"
"Don't use ground transport!"
"Ride a worm!"
"Don't have animals!"
“Kick the foreigners out!”
The list was lusty and endless.
Finally, the teacher calmed them down.
Then the break through as a bright spark asked.  "Is that why we use everything?"
"Well spotted!" Kynes enthused "All good Fremen know that burning isn't a solution - it pollutes the air and may release toxic substances. That is why for generations we compost and recycle.  It is a healthier option for you, our neighbours and the environment. And remember that
Shai-Hulud shares the environment with us too!"
Keynes lesson for the day was now turned on him. "Sir..." The child hesitated. It took some coaxing but he finally got the story out.
"We... that is my sister and I...” Horror flashed across his sister's face. "We were out in the open desert."  He got rapid "I know we weren't supposed to but there was this smell..."
"Smell?" Kynes wondered where this was going.
"YES!" The sister took up the story.  "It was awful!  Like rotting spice!"
"Only worse!" The brother expanded.
"It was worse." The sister confirmed.  "It was Shai-Hulud."  There - revelation.  The class gasped. So did Kynes.
"Go on." He encouraged.
"It was sick... very sick." The boy said.
"It cried a lot...” The girl continued sadly "... and then it died."
Under his dark skin Kyens turned pale.
The teacher interjected "Why did you not say something before!"
Tears threatened as the girl replied, "Because we thought we'd get in trouble we were not supposed to be out there." She sniffed.
"Can you show me? Is it still there?"
They came to life "Yes!  But we don't know if it is still there."  Left to Kyens alone he the teacher together with thirty Fremen children would have headed out into the desert at that very moment.  But the teacher intervened.  The lesson was allowed to end and a few hours later, two chastened children an impatient Paleontologist along with a group of worried Fremen authorities headed out into the desert.
Security was on the verge of total collapse as the Fedaykin struggled to execute their duties in the face of the wave after wave of people who camped daily outside the Court House compound, awaiting the trail of the Millennium. 
Eventually Arista opened the proceedings to the press and the images were beamed to large screens located throughout the Empire.  This indulgence of hers to allow Amasso to be tried may prove to be her undoing yet.  She watched from the privacy of her Chambers, as did most of the Landsraad.
“Commander For’resten are you ready to call your first witness of the day?” The Judge asked.
“Yes, Sir, we call Lieutenant Colonel Serena Reltub.”
She was sworn in and instructed, “State your name rank and duty station.” 
“Lieutenant Colonel Serena Reltub, stationed with the Caladan Army 10th Mountain Division, Special Operations Forces/Marine Expeditionary Units, Delleician Mountains Caladan.”
For’resten stood. “Colonel, what is the mission of the Marines in the Delleician Mountains?”
“To provide the Commander-In-Chief an operational maneuver capability from the Air.” She replied.
 “Were your stationed in Delleician Mountains when Major Ammaso Atreides was caught?”
And so it went.
Such was the obsession with the trial that the arrival of Reverend Mother Shakira was one that passed with no special notice.
Arista had had no choice.  The CHOAM reception had been planed for months and court-martial or not – the function had to go on.
The meeting was convened and the hall was packed with members of the Sietch.  Mick’N spoke. “Fremen, Har’man has grave news for us.  News that must be verified and then taken to Arista! Speak Har’man!”
The Fremen stood, tall dark skinned with the trademark blue in blue eyes.  “I have returned from Salusa Secundus where a new Museum was opened.  ‘Rakis World it is called, an imitation of the Desert Planet Arakkis.  It is said to be home to a Maker.”
Sand Worm? Off Dune? Impossible! The three thousand attending the meeting were too stunned to speak.
“As we contemplate this there is more.”  Mick’N added.  “Tho’Ma has heard rumours that the worms of Arakkis are dying.” He held up his hand for silence and got it.  “As yet there is no proof, but if it is true then Tho’Ma will find it and then we will have greater problems on our hands!”
The future of the Fremen had just become unsure. Where was Maud’Dib when needed?
Alexi was bored.  This CHOAM reception had gone on for hours and as sophisticated as she was, being a Reverend Mother and all – she was bored. She must have interacted with every male here, not that she had a choice. She was new to the Court, tall and beautiful, with clear blue eyes yet to show the spice addiction that was sure to come.
The young Reverend Mother began to wind her way towards an exit.  It took her an hour of taking two steps, holding a conversation and taking another two steps only to be stopped again.  Eventually she got to the door and slipped out.
She wound her way up the stairs that let to the mezzanine that over looked the grand hall.  Relieved at her eventual escape Alexi took in her surrounds.  The mezzanine was a library.  The shelves lined the walls with a scattering of lounge chairs and sofas.
Alexi sauntered past the shelves and was able to read each as she went…  The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, La géométrie par René Descartes, El señor de los anillos por JRR Tolkin, Империализм и мировая экономика мимо Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Düne durch Frank Herbert and Catholici Naranchies Antiquum et Novum Testamenti!
All in their original language!  These books were priceless antiques!  So engrossed was she that she failed to notices that she was not alone.
“It has been a long time since those books got such attention.” The man said.
She whirled around.  “My Lord… I didn’t realize…”
Dax remained sprawled on a chaise lounge and raised a hand to silence her.  “It’s all right.”
“She nodded with relief.
“Fed up with the reception?” He asked.
“I’m new My Lord and not used to such.”
He grinned widely “Now there is a diplomatic answer if ever there was one!”
She chucked.
“Come… sit… talk with me.” Dax invited.  Alexi took a comfortable chair opposite him.  “So! Which one if us are you here for?” The smile never left his face.
He chuckled and leaned forward. “Oh don’t ‘Sire’ me. It is obvious that you are here to be with either Amasso or me.  Now which of us is it?”
“I don’t know.” She confessed.
He leaned back.  “Ah the truth – so refreshing.”
“You are a truth sayer?”
“I am.” He confirmed.
'He can discern the truth!'  She thought. 'Is he the one I am to mate with?  If he is a truth sayer what else is he?!' “Apologies sire, my mind wandered.” She blushed with embarrassment.
“I said… I like you.” He announced, 'But I wonder are you worthy of House Atreides or a snake that'll end up biting us in the butt?'
She accepted the compliment, “Thank you.”
“I think the whole Court likes you!” He snorted.
“I’m new that’s all.  It’s the novelty of new blood.” She explained.
“Maybe… Maybe not.”
“Now what?’ She asked.
“Now” He contemplated the question.  “Now… I, Prince Dax Atreides, Major in the Fedaykin, Sultan of Arakkis…” he digressed, “My brother is Prince of Caladan” then he continued, “Grand Duke Las Carris, Sheik Qabus ibn Sa'id and Lord of all I survey…” Alexi giggled. “Now!  Now… I intend to escape this everlasting reception and leave. You interested?”
“Oh Yes!” She replied with no hesitation.
As they left Alexi contemplated 'Wonder what the point of the Title Listing of his and his brother's was all about?  Was it for me to decide which brother is worthy? Which one I want? One problem there - It’s not up to me.'
“That listing of titles thing?” Dax answered, “It’s a thing my Grand Dame liked to do when she wanted to stress a point.  I kind of picked up the habit – there was no intent there.”
Alexi missed a step 'Great Mother! He had read her mind! HE HAD HEARD HER!'
Dax caught her. “You Ok?’
She could only nod.  He righted her and continued to lead.
Farrah watched as the two made their great escape unaware that they had been observed.


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