Chapter 26

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"Govern a family as you would cook a small fish - very gently."
Pre Butleran Chinese Proverb


ax opened the door in response to the knock to find Amasso standing there. “Mas!” he used the childhood nickname.

“May I come in?” he asked.

“Sure.” He stood aside to allow his brother to enter.  “You ok?”

“The fight has been running through my mind like a recording.” he said.

“I know. What a mess.” Dax agreed. “What do you think the Dad will do?”

Amasso shrugged.  “He was REALLY angry. After he’s cooled down I think we’ll be lucky to get a punitive letter of reprimand, one month’s forfeiture of pay and a bill for damages to the room. That would be my recommendation if asked. We should consider ourselves damn lucky if there’s no Article 32, Sword Master’s mast or demotion.”

“I know I know.” Dax groaned.  "Amasso... Do you want Alexi?"

"Me? No." Amasso confessed.

Dax was shocked. "Then what… why?"

Amasso shrugged his shoulders. "It’s the principal little brother.  You can't waltz in and just announce that 'Oh by the way I'm claiming the most beautiful woman in the Court it’s just not done.  Besides... it was a good fight, wasn't it?"

Dax grinned. "One of our best."

"Mad at me?" Amasso grinned back.

"Never for long." Dax confessed.


Baron Vladimir Harkonnen examined the documents.  He had commissioned the forgeries and yet he could not tell the difference.  He dropped the report on the table. “Excellent!”

The report fell face up.  It read:

Transplanetorial Threats From the Planet Arakkis: Crying Wolf or Crying Havoc?  Under the leadership of House Atredies

"Excellent!" The Baron repeated and subtly signaled to Piter.  "Then to the author.  You wish now to be paid, is that right?"

"This was the agreement."

Vlad smiled and said "Piter! Pay the man!"

Piter moved in on the Academic, the needle glistening in his hand for a split second before he buried it in the man's back.  A silent gasp escaped the victim, and then he fell unconscious. 

“Is he alive, Piter?”

“Yes, my Baron.”

"Then take him away, Piter." The Baron ordered with much scorn.

Piter signaled to the slaves who came in to take the man on a lengthy visit at the Baron's expense... in his private dungeons.

As he watched idly he informed his Mentat. “It would have been a shame to lose a great artist like that. Never know when you might need him again.”

“Yes, M’Lord.” Piter replied, failing to point out that he was the one who had recommended the dungeon over the knife.  Death had been the Baron’s first choice.


Arista groaned.  The weight of the Throne felt extra heavy recently, the latest between Amasso and Dax wasn’t helping either.

She stood at a window with a document in her hand and observed the water sellers going by.  She actually envied them.  Their one concern was selling water, she on the other hand had crisis after crisis to deal with.  She read again the latest that had cropped up.  A communiqué from Planet Kaitan had arrived to inform her that due to the attack on the Sardaukar Headquarters there was need to enhance the security of Kaitian.  As such House Remus of Kaitian had responded by passing the Bio Terrorism Preparedness and Response Act, which had already been signed into law.

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