Chapter 30

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Better to rule in Hell, than serve in heaven.


Not satisfied that six weeks of searching the Desert Planet had revealed not one Thinking Machine the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen and the Prince Rammen Corrino continued to push the Landsraad into an increasingly hard line on the Thinking Machine issue.

The Harkonnens accused the Atreides of not complying. While House Atreides countered that the Harkonnen Observer on the team was not making life easy for anyone as he repeatedly trampled on people's rights who he considered were are not complying. Rammen Corrino insisted that the observer was within his rights when the obstructions were deliberate.

The inspectors suggested that there was nothing to be found, yet the team of Harkonnen and Corrino stood firm in the face of no proof. Increasingly House Atreides found itself on the defensive. The Inspector's begged for more time, instead, the two Houses got a resolution pushed through by the two Great Houses.

Landsraad resolution 1441 on Thinking Machines

The 20th Day of Lud, in the year 39,177

The Landsraad,

Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions,

Recognizing the threat Arakkis's noncompliance with Landsraad resolutions on Thinking Machines poses,

Recalling its resolution to uphold the premise of the Butleran Jihad regarding Thinking Machines,

Deploring the fact that Arakkis has not provided an accurate, full, final, and complete disclosure, as required, of all aspects of its programmes to develop Thinking Machines, and of all holdings of such Machines, their components and production facilities and locations, as well as all other Thinking Machine programmes,

Deploring further that Arakkis repeatedly obstructed immediate, unconditional, and unrestricted access to sites designated by the Landsraad Inspectors,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the Landsraad,

1. Decides that Arakkis has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions,

2. Decides, while acknowledging paragraph 1 above, to afford Arakkis, by this resolution, a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations regarding Thinking Machines,

3. Recalls, in that context, that the Landsraad has repeatedly warned Arakkis that it will face serious consequences as a result of its continued violations of its obligations;

4. Decides to remain resolute on the matter.


As soon as they arrived in the City, Dax headed for his mother's offices. So far they had found nothing. He was being accused of being obstructionist but he assured the Empress that this was not so.

The Inspectors needed time to assemble their report. He had already given his and so he headed for the Sietch to visit Alexi. Arista gave him the new coordinates as Mick'N had moved them again.

He arrived at the Sietch and was faced with a wedding reception in full swing. There was a massive stage where there was a live band and the hundreds of tables and chairs had been swept aside for the dance floor. It looked as if every Fremen on the Planet was on the floor.

The song finished and without a pause or missing a beat the next song started.

The popular song pumped out and the infections beat gripped the crowd. In one voice the dancers threatened to start a rock slide. "La La La La Le La La Lal La." The lyric was easy enough to remember as unconsciously Dax began tapping his foot.

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