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"I just want to make something clear

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"I just want to make something clear. We're working with you on this because the hound program is a threat to all of us. But if any of you think that being here means-" Marcos crosses his arms, as we have a nice little chat with the Frost sisters.

"We're friends now? Oh you made it perfectly clear we're not." Esme says, standing beside her sisters.

"We're just here to get a job done, same as you." The sister on the end says.

"Marcos, they're right. Stay cool." John says.

"I don't see a move here." I stand beside Lorna, shrugging.

"The Hounds are already out there. They're kicking our asses." Lorna adds.

"It's a secret program. We can kill it, but it has to happen soon." Esme looks between her siblings, before turning her attention back to the rest of us. "Our sources tell us Dr. Campbell is working his political connections to take it national."

"What do you mean?" John asks.

"He's attending the Humanity Today Summit in Charlotte, tomorrow." Esme answers.

"Humanity Today? Is that seriously what they call it?" Clarice rolls her eyes while leaning against the metal bars that serve as a wall.

"I guess they thought it sounded better than 'kill the muties.'" The sister on the left says. "Every major anti mutant figure will be there. Politicians, business leaders..."

"Purifiers." The three say together, while sending Clarice a quick glance.

"Security will be massive. All right? There's got to be a better-"

"We're out of time. This is our chance to grab Campbell and use him to smash the program." Esme interrupts John.

"So we're kidnappers now." Clarice tilts her head to look at the sisters. "I thought we were supposed to be the good guys."

"Let's not get so high and mighty." Esme says, giving Clarice an intimidating look. "I don't suppose you've shared your criminal past with everyone here. Do they not know about your old friends? Because we do." She grills, and everyone turns to look at Clarice; I'm sure making her feel very uncomfortable. "But the past is in the past. Right now, we have work to do."

"Hey, are we really doing this?" I walk with John up the main staircase. He looks to me with a slightly confused face, obviously not knowing what I'm referencing. "Going to Charlotte?"

"Yeah," He nods before, looking to me. "You okay with that?"

"Yes, it's just that I've been a bit on edge these last couple of missions." I sigh, twisting the metal band around my wrist. "I guess I just don't want anyone else getting hurt."

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