A little Curious

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"So what's the deal with Normani and her friends?" Camila asks while walking out of the ensuite bathroom

"What do you mean?" Becky asks closing her book

"Well you know  Lauren with the whole dark tortured soul thing she has going on" Camila says getting into her bed. 

"Ah so you want to know more about Lauren" Becky says with a smirk

"Maybe a little" Camila responds

"Well from what Mani has told me they all grew up together since they were in diapers. Lauren is the oldest and Mani is 3 months younger while Ally is 6 months younger than Lauren and Dinah is the baby." Becky replies 

"So what their families have been best friends?" Camila questions

"Mani said that their families go back for generations so yeah I guess" Becky answers with a shrug

"And so any of them stay on Campus?" Camila asks 

"They don't stay on Campus no but that's just because they are close to the school grounds. Anything else you want to know about the golden girls of this school?" Becky asks in a sarcastic tone when she notices Camila is about to ask another question. 

"Um maybe" Camila replies

"Look Mila let's just get sleep and if you have more questions tomorrow then I'll get Mani to answer them all for you" Becky says with a small head shake and a laugh at her new friend. 


It was odd the constant heat something did not feel right. There was too much energy flowing for a normal night and it was causing an issue. She continued to toss and turn until she jumped out of bed and was meet with a haunting figure that appeared for only 3 seconds then vanished. 

It couldn't be her sisters know better then to use that type of dark power and especially towards here. Something was not right and because of this she didn't sleep again. 


The next day she grabbed her phone and called the one person she trust the most. 

"I was wondering when you would call" The voice said on the other line. 

"This isn't a casual call Mani" She stated 

"I know. So you felt it too then?" Mani asks 

"DO you think it was Dinah or Ally?" She asks her right hand girl

"I don't know but It didn't feel right." Mani answers

"We have to find the,m and fast" She responds. 

"Lauren breathe we'll get to the bottom of this but don't work your self to death. I know how you get just take it in stride" Mani advises 

"Okay I won't go crazy. I'll see you class" Lauren states then hangs up. 

She knew she said she would;dn;t go crazy but that still didn't mean she wouldn't question what happened last night. It was a dark entity sent to her, those are only sent as a sign warning and she did not like it one bit. 


As she walked into her lecture hall. She took her usual spoke next to Mani who was sat next to Becky. 

"So what did you get up to after the bonfire last night I thought we were meeting at Nicky's" Becky said resting her head on her hand while looking at her girlfriend and the best friend.

"Sorry babe we were pretty tired and I just kind of crashed after getting home" Mani said in a semi lie. 

"Yeah sorry Becky we were really tired" Lauren says backing up her friend. 

"Well I guess it's alright. You know Camila asked me about you when we got back to our room last night" Becky says eyeing  Lauren with a smirk. 

"Yeah and what exactly did she want to know about me?" Lauren questions

"Oh you know the same thing every girl at this school wants to know about thee Lauren Jauregui." Becky says with small laugh

"SO I guess I have to clear up some of the things you might have made up?" Lauren asks with a smile

"Not exactly but I do think she might like you so don't mess it up. Because she a great room mate" Becky warns making Lauren raise her hands in surrender. 

"I make no promises" Lauren replies just when said room mate walks into the lecture hall and makes her way to where the small group of 3 are sitting. 

"So I thought it would be easy to get here from our room and I think I almost got lost" The young girl states while taking a seat next to Lauren. 

"I told you to come with me when I was leaving but you didn't listen" Becky responds from her seat. 

"I was still getting ready when you were leaving" Camila retorts

"Don't pay attention to Becky you aren't the first to almost get lost finding this lecture hall. she's just picking on you" Lauren says before Becky can say anything. 

"Hey I heard that Jauregui" Becky replies 

"I know you did now focus n sucking face with Mani instead of talking" Lauren replies making Camila laugh and Becky give her a mini glare. 

Seconds later the professor of the class walks in making everyone look at the door. 

"All right everyone settle down settle down I know you are all shocked about the recent news I know it is heart breaking but we must continue with our class" The professor states making Lauren and Normani look at each other with curious faces

"Oh you didn't hear Some guy was found dead in his car about 30 yards from where the bonfire was last night" Becky says in a hushed tone. 

"Becky what guy?" Mani asks 

"I don't know his name but he did go here. Kind of sad too he was a freshman" The Dark hair Latina answer her girlfriend making Normani look at Lauren with a worried expression. 

A/N: Well that sucks looks like now we got a dead body and some weird shit happening. 

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