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True to Lauren's warning, Derek Hamilton was at the Jauregui Mansion demanding and shouting   about the actions of the night before. Lauren was at the point of stepping in until she saw her father tell her to stand down. To try and not sink her fangs into the disrespectful man, Lauren decided to head to her training area. Since Mika was out rounding up the region leaders, the green eyed tri-brid was stuck training on her own. Well not on her own, since Camila and her mother sometimes assisted. Today though she needed to be alone. She was already in a bad mood and she knew anyone who got in her way will end up getting their heads ripped apart. 

She continued to run the course time and time again. Each time she changed the way she did it. Once with only her wolf abilities, another with her vampire abilities, then she used her hybrid genes, and then she just used her magic. She was working on strengthening  each ability separately. She could do it the easy way and just use them all at the same time but that required too much energy and she wanted to build up her stamina. As she got ready to run the course again, she heard a movement by the wood behind her sending on high alert. 

"Come out" Lauren orders as her eyes turn into the tri-brid colors 

Out of nowhere she sees three wolves appear before her flashing their fangs as a form of attack. She knew what this was, and she sure as hell was not going to let them get anywhere near the mansion. Taking her fighting stance, Lauren shot out one of her arms and bared her own fangs 

"Enciendo" She says and a ball of fire is then thrown towards the wolves. 

"I am warning you, You do not want to have any of this" Lauren growls out as she shoots another ball of fire towards the threat

In a split second one of the wolfs lunges forwards towards her getting ready to bite, but the tri-brid was faster and used her hands to grad the wolf by his open jaw then using her strength ripped him apart with ease in front of the other two wolves who froze in their actions. 

"You have 3 seconds, before you end up like him" Lauren states staring at them with her glowing, red, black and golden eyes. 


"Father!" Lauren yells walking into the house again and heading to the living room where she knew her mother would be with Camila. 

"Lauren do not shout, what is it" The older man says entering through the kitchen 

"The problem is this" the older girl says dropping the murdered wolf to the floor in front of them 

"What in the world" Clara says 

"I was just attacked by 3 wolves. And considering this one actually tried to get a bite in. I assume they are not from around here" Lauren exclaims 

"Lauren breathe we will get to the bottom of this" Micheal states 

"No I have done enough breathing. Either Mika gets back here with answers or I will consider this an act of War against this family" The older girl says using her full Tri-brid rage 

"No! You know better then to go to those extremes" Clara speaks out facing her daughter 

"Then I suggest you find Mika, and get a stronger spell to surround this property" Lauren growls out 

"Lauren!" Camila says with power making the older girl look at her and in an instant the three colors fade into just golden.

"I mean it, or you find Mika and get a better protection spell, or I will consider this attack as an act of war" Lauren states looking back at her parents then walking out towards her bedroom. 

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