Sooner than expected.

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She never received a call from her father unless it was a life or death situation. She looked at Dinah, Ally and Normani and all 3 girls understood. Becky and Camila needed to leave. 

"Uh Babe why don't I drive you and Mila back to Campus, it's getting late" Normani says 

"Are you sure?" Becky asks 

"Yeah come on" Normani says getting up

"Mila?" Becky says looking at her roommate 

"Yeah thanks Mani. Laur, you going to be okay?" The younger girl asks 

"mhm, I'll be fine. Go with Mani and Becky. I'll text you later" Lauren says giving the girl a smile 

"Alright then. Talk to you later" Camila says then gives the green eyed girl a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

"Mani take care of them" Lauren says as her best friend walks out the door following the two other girls 

"Are you going to Answer?" Ally asks as the phone rings again 

"Yeah give me a second." Lauren says going to the window and making sure Normani gets to her car with out an issue with the two girls 

We'll be in our room" Dinah says dragging Ally with her knowing that if Micheal Jauregui was calling that can not mean anything good. 

"Father" Lauren answers after the third ring

"Lauren why didn't you pick up when I first called you?" Micheal asks 

"If you must know I had two friends over that are not with in our circles" Lauren answers 

"Right, either way I need you and the girls here immediately. Turns out your uncle Mika came early" Micheal says making Lauren's blood run cold. 

"Wh-when did he arrive?" Lauren asks 

"5 minutes ago and he is asking for you and a meeting of the families" Micheal replies 

"We, we'll be there" Lauren responds then hangs up. 

"Dinah, Allison get out here now" Lauren shouts 

"What happened?" Ally asks 

"Emergency meeting of all families" Lauren answers 

"What about Mani?" Dinah asks 

"Don't worry about her. I will handle it now let's go we need to be at my house right away" Lauren says grabbing Dinah's keys and heading out of the door. 


"Yeah?" Normani says answering her phone while driving Becky and Camila back to Campus.

"Mani am I on speaker of on your ear piece?" Lauren asks 

"Speaker Laur, what's wrong?" Normani asks 

"Um there's a family emergency. Everyone is at my parent's house call me back when you are on your way" Lauren says 

"Okay, I'll meet you there." Normani replies then hangs up

"Is everything okay? I mean family emergency doesn't sound good" Camila says from the back seat 

"Family emergency is Lauren's code for Family meeting, meaning all our parents are getting together and us offspring need to be present" Norman explains 

"Does that happen often?" Camila questions 

"Not really only when there is something really important. Most likely it's Dinah's parents announcing they are having another kid" Normani says down playing the situation. 

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