The Mickealson Booldline

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Both girls stared at Mika and Clara with worried eyed. If they were to get an explanation, Lauren knew that Camila was about to get a crash course on the family history. One that was not a happy ending of any sorts. It was more a story of pain and suffering until Hope Mickealson had come of age. But until then Camila will learn about the betrayal and the inner fighting between siblings. who fought jealously and the need to rule the world. Lauren knew this family history like the back of her hand, what she did not know what what her mother and Mika were about to tell them at that moment. 

"Now I will not sugar coat anything. Camila you come from a powerful family that is true. We all do, but to gain that power our relatives did sinful things. Our ancestors were the original vampires. We are descendants or Klaus Mickealson, who was the bastard child of 5. You see the mother of your great great grandfather was a witch, she did some dark magic and when sickness spread she wanted to protect her children, but ended up cursing them instead. she turned them into Vampires. The only issue with doing that though was the Klaus was not human he was the child of a werewolf  as well. By having the curse, his werewolf genes were suppressed. For centuries Klaus and his siblings fought and betrayed each other. For Klaus it wasn't because he liked fighting them, it was because he wanted them together. He wanted a family of his own that was united and that had not been corrupted by his mother and her ways. Unfortunately it did not work out that way. His brother Finn had been killed and his brother Kol had been bound in a magical trap. Klaus did find a way to link his Vampire and his Werewolf genes but it was at a cost of many people dying.  It was when he met Hayley that he some what got a heart. He found out she was pregnant with my mother Hope. During that time no body wanted her to be born. The first hybrid offspring, many people found it was a danger, a threat. But the Mickealson family stuck together and between uncle Elijah and aunt Rebekah my mother stayed safe. Although that happened there were still many threats and to make sure The purest Mickealson maintained safe Hayley, Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah made the choice of sending my mother to Atlanta where a close family friend had a school that protected supernatural beings. After some time grandma Hayley died and to save us Kluas, and Elijah scarified themselves." Mika states looking at the two girls that were sitting on the bed. 

"So I come from a line of murders?" Camila asks 

"No Camila, you come from a line of survivors. If the story of great grandfather Klaus and his siblings teaches us anything, it is that as a family we are stronger. As a Family we are better and as a family we can get through anything. The Story of grandmother Hope is the result of those mistakes" Clara says 

"My mother lived through the deaths of not just her mother but also the death of two men that loved her till no end. She was only 15 when it happened. Her father was never very affectionate but he did show her that he loved her with no boundaries by the way he treated her as an adult and not a child. My mother always said the my grandfather's last words to her before he scarified himself were the ones that kept her fighting. With our uncle Elijah she learned that being thoughtful and rational would get her a long way and with my grandmother Hayley she learned undying love." Mika says 

"One taught her Pain, One taught her patience and one taught her Love" Lauren says with a smile 

"Exactly, the pain Klaus felt my mother felt, the patience uncle Elijah showed, my mother imitated, and the love Hayley shared, my mother embraced" Mika says 

"So we resemble her most?" Camila asks 

"We resemble all of them" Clara says 

"When we get angry, that is Klaus, when we show reason, that is Elijah, and when we show what Lauren does with you, that is Hayley" Mika explains 

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