It Get's interesting

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They had talked for hours after Camila had told her about being adopted. It was odd for the younger girl. Since she got to that place she told herself that she would keep the adoption to herself until she found all the answers she needed but then after spending the morning with Lauren and that kiss, lord that kiss is what changed it all for her. She knew that she couldn't exactly get all the information needed going at it alone. Maybe Lauren could help her find things faster. 

She also know she'd have to agree with Becky on the whole Lauren will surprise you thing. She never imagined that the silent gorgeous and sometimes dangerous looking Lauren Jauregui would be so relatable. From the Panic attacks to the intellectual mind set and even the light heartedness. It was eye opening spending that time with her and to be honest Camila did not want it to end. 

"I think I should be getting you back to campus, I wouldn't want Becky to worry about you" Lauren says noticing that it was getting late

"I can always text her to let her know where I am" Camila counters 

"Yeah you could but we've been her for 6 hours now and I mean we do kind of have to leave this place before someone gets here" Lauren says looking around the place they were in 

"Didn't you say this was your place though?" Camila asks 

"It is mine yes but, When the girls get here I don't want to necessarily share you" Lauren says pulling the younger girl closer to her 

"Oh so that's what it is then, you don't want the other girls finding us here alone" Camila says putting her arms around the older girls neck 

"You can say that yes" Lauren agrees leaning in closer until she is centimeters away from the younger girls lips 

"Oh mother Lauren We are home" Yells a sarcastic Dinah as she burst through the door of the apartment. 

"And there goes the moment" Lauren whispers and hanging her head on Camila's shoulder 

"Ah have I come in at a bad time Laurenza?" Dinah asks in a mocking tone when she sees the way Lauren and Camila are standing in the living room

"Dinah" Lauren responds with a glare as she greets the younger girl 

"Oh I guess this is serious" Dinah says knowing that the glare she is getting isn't from the witchy side of the older girls genes 

"Hi Dinah" Camila greets in a more inviting tone

"Hello Camila, how are you?" Dinah responds with a smile 

"I'm doing alright, is it just you that arrived?" Camila asks while Lauren tries to calm down again

"Oh no Mani is on her way up with Ally and Becky." Dinah replies 

"Oh okay" Camila says smiling 

"Hey, Hey, Hey, so Burger tonight?" Normani says while walking into the apartment then stops when she sees Lauren's forehead still resting on Camila's shoulder while Camila has her arms around the older girl. 

"Uh Did I miss something?" Normani asks 

"No Mani you missed nothing" Lauren finally says picking her head up and staring at her best friend who now looks terrified. 

"Ah Mila why don't you go and help Dinah with the other grocery bags." Normani says and Dinah right away jumps into action when she looks at Lauren. 

"Right, Come on Mila there are a lot of bags down there" Dinah says grabbing the girls arm and pulling her away from Lauren and making sure she doesn't look back. 

"Bathroom now" Normani orders pulling Lauren with her towards the bathroom in the back of there apartment. 

"Normani, I swear" Lauren warns 

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