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As those final words were spoken everyone in the crowd looked stunned. Was there a new Mikaelson that they were not aware of?. No one had made this announcement. When had this child been born. 

"She is my future wife" Lauren states holding her head up high as she over looks everyone 

"And as she will be my future wife, I expect that the same respect you have for me will pass down to her and also watch her if any issue occur" Lauren adds making sure everyone understands 

"To the Alpha Queen!!!" Tyler shouts making everyone around him begin to cheer as well. 


"What was that all about? Tonight is your night not mine" Camila states after getting off the made up stage while she turns to look at Lauren

"That was me making sure that no one in that crowd got the idea to come near you in a romantic way. Plus it was also ensuring your safety. As my Queen, you get the same protections I do and more. Any command you made must be followed or they will deal with my wrath. " Lauren responds 

"I am a Mikaelson though, don't I get that protection either way?" Camila questions 

"Being a Mikaelson gets you some perks yes but being my Queen provides an extra level of protection. After What happened earlier I am not taking any risk." Lauren says taking Camila's face into her palms as she looks into her eyes 

"So I'm your future wife? I don't remember you proposing to me" Camila replies with a smirk. 

"Well actually since my ascension is complete and had your mark on me when it happened, in the supernatural laws we are married already" Lauren says with a small smile. 

"Wait WHAT!?" Camila semi yells 

"The marks we gave each other are our mating marks. Us having Sex was consummating that commitment. Surprise" Lauren says 

"I guess there goes my idea of a wedding in 3 years" Camila says with a sad tone 

"We can still have that wedding to have the legal papers. I would love to do that. But for the Wolf side of us we are mated for life which is basically marriage." Lauren explains 

"So for the wolves I am their queen?" Camila asks 

"Yep, hence Alpha Queen, the other Queen titles will follow when we are actually married by paper" Lauren states 

"Why didn't you say that sooner you idiot I was scared for a second" Camila says hitting the older girls shoulder

"Hey I did call you my future wife that was the hint. I'm sorry. Can you please forgive me?" The older asks with a small pout. 

"Ugh why are you so cute?" Camila groans 

"Because you love me" Lauren says with a cute smile 

"I do love you but you are still an idiot" Camila states giving the green eyed girl a quick kiss

"Now come on mighty Tribrid I believe we must now make the rounds to your loyal subjects" Camila adds 

"They can wait a few minutes I need to do one more thing" Lauren says holding Camila back and holding both her hands while closing her eyes 

In seconds the surrounding sounds around them vanish and they are standing in front of a lake and a shack with woods behind them. 

"Lauren where" Camila starts 

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