You Are..........

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She knew she was breaking the speeding limit but she needed to get somewhere safe and fast. Her parent's home was the safest place. It was considered a fortress. Not just because of it's size. No but because of the protection it had around it. This one thing about the house she knew, it was something her Great Grandmother had done. Just like her school for the gifted, she made it a safe place for those who could be trusted. It was under a serious spell. One that no one could break. Her uncle Mika said it was one her great, great aunt Freya taught her and that was perfected after years of practice. As she got closer to the house, Lauren whispered a few words and the gates opened at will. 

Once she parked the car and got out with Camila following, Lauren turned back to the open gate and whispered another set of words causing it to close. Once she was sure that it was closed, she raised both hands towards the gates and moved then close together while whispering another set of words causing the vines to wrap around the closed gates. 

At this point she did not care that Camila was seeing her use her powers. This was a matter of safety. Once she was done she grabbed a shocked Camila's hand and walked her into the house towards the awaiting counsel. 

"Camila listen to me, What you are about to hear and see, will most likely freak you out, but please listen to everything, every single word, please it is important" Lauren says when they are inside the foyer of the mansion. 

"Lauren Is that you?" Her Mother calls out

"Yes Mother, is everyone here?" Lauren asks standing up straight and getting into her leader position

"Yes everyone is here. but" And as Her mother comes into view, she sees Camila and stops all movement and speech 

"Mother, I will explain okay. now let us get this meeting started. Camila come with me" Lauren says and takes Camila's hand in her's again while heading to the meeting area. 

"Lauren, We demand an explanation for this" Mr. Hamilton yells when he Sees the green eyed girl turn the corner. The older man is  then silent when he sees Camila walk in behind her. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Gordon also demands after seeing Camila walk in. Making the younger girl scared. 

After feeling the girl tense up Lauren loses it. 

"Gordon you will not, and I will repeat this, you will not demand answers here today. This is my home, and I swear on my great grandmother do not test me." Lauren States with rage as her eyes change color making everyone including her parents frightened for their lives. 

"Normani if you may" Lauren says motioning towards her best friend with her red, golden and black eyes staring at her. 

"As the right hand of the next leader of this coven, I hear by begin this meeting" Normani states while rising her arms towards her chest then in a quick motion setting them forward and moving them apart, creating a semi force field around everyone in the room. 

"Thank you. Now in our last meeting, Mika informed of some shocking news. With in the last 24 hours, with out the help of the elder counsel, I have found her." Lauren says then places Camila in front of her. 

"This is ludicrous, she is nothing but a mere human" Mr. Hamilton argues looking at the younger girl before him

"Derek do not test me." Lauren warns again 

"Unfortunately, She is not just a human. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the lost hybrid princess" Lauren states with Authority after calming down, making everyone except for Mika look stunned by the revelation. 

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