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"What do you mean we have a problem?" The older girl questions

"I think you should come an see for yourself" Normani says in a worried tone

With a semi growl Lauren pulls away from Camila and walks behind Normani to where the issue was located. 

"I swear Normani if this is a simple situation I will" and before Lauren could finish she saw what the problem was. 

Right in front of her stood Jeremy holding an unconscious Rafael Jr. and Tyler carrying a crying Isiah. 

"What happened?" Lauren asks with authority. 

"we don't know I was heading out to make sure everything was in check before sending everyone home when I found RJ knocked out cold with blood all over him and little Isiah here looking lost with tears" Tyler responds 

"Where are Josie, Raf and Lizzie?" Lauren questions 

"We don't know that is the main issue" Jeremy answers 

"Alright, first clear everyone out from here now. Normani take charge. Tyler take Isiah to my parents they will watch him and make sure they all leave here safely. Jeremy you bring RJ with me and Camila" Lauren states 

"Are you sure you want to have Camila involved in this one?" Tyler asks 

"She doesn't leave my sight. Now do as you are told" Lauren orders 

"Lauren Why don't we think about this before we make any final choices." Normani states 

"Mani, the twins and Raf are missing and Kai is still out there. There is no thinking to do" Lauren replies 

"I get it, but hear me out. RJ needs medical attention, Isiah is practically in shock look at him, and we need a base to plan and think about everything. We can't do any of that here in the open" Normani reasons 

"Then what do you suggest?" Lauren asks 

"We head to safe ground" Normani answers 

"Do you mean?" Lauren questions 

"Exactly, safe ground, where only those of pure blood lines are allowed through. Those of pure of heart." Normani responds 

"Alright, Fine. Mani gather the immediate family and the council. the leaders of each group is to be present and meet in 2 hours" Lauren orders then heads back to where she knew Camila would be. 


"Lauren what is happening?" Camila asks once she sees the older girl approach her and the family. 

"I will be very honest with you all. There has been an incident. Josie, Lizzie and Raf have gone missing. Tyler found Rafael JR. unconscious  and little Isiah crying for his parents. I believe Kai might have something to do with this. So right now I need all council members and the entire family to head for safe ground. We are to have an immediate emergency meeting of all the supernatural leaders there. Father I need you and mother to watch over Isiah and RJ and make sure RJ gets the proper medical attention. If anything he would be the one to have some answers for us since he is older then little Isiah. Camila you will be with me at the meeting. Jeremy, Tyler and everyone else will meet us there." Lauren states 

"We understand, Your mother and I will make sure to gather what we can from the house and meet you at safe ground." Micheal states looking at his daughter 

"I will also inform Mika maybe he can assist" Clara responds 

"Do what you must just make sure you are there in 2 hours" Lauren replies 

"Why are we going to safe ground?" Camila asks 

"Safe ground is the holy or better known as the safe haven that can determine the intentions of those who step on that land. It allows us to know who can be trusted and who can not. There is a property on that land that the leaders use as a hideout when trying to scope out any threats. Right now it is the one place everyone will be comfortable in staying to make sure there is no danger." Lauren responds. 

"How big is this property exactly?" Camila questions

"You will see when we get there now let's go" Lauren replies grabbing the younger girl's hand and walking towards the vehicles that were waiting. 


"Are the black SUVs really necessary?" Camila asks as they drive down the empty road. 

"It is a safety measure" Jeremy replies as he lowers the high beams and turns onto a dirt path

"We weren't followed though" Camila counters 

"That doesn't mean that there won't be people trying to get to the Tribrid and her Queen. You are both moving targets now and will require certain security which this SUV has" Jeremy answers 

"What he is trying to say is that the SUV is bullet proof. Not just from regular bullets but ones that can be harmful to either of us. Just because we have these abilities does not mean that we can not get severely injured." Lauren explains 

"Do all the leaders have an SUV like this one?" Camila asks 

"They do but those are modified to their specific needs. The same for us." Lauren replies 

Within minutes the SUV began to slow down and Lauren became alert

"Jeremy?" The older girl asks

"Give it a second I am making sure the shields that Bonnie put up years ago still work" Jeremy answers

"Right because for some reason you are still the only one that can get through them." Lauren says with an eye roll

"No it is because I am a hunter and she made sure only the blood of a hunter could activate the clocking spell from unwanted visitors. Now let me do my thing your highness" Jeremy says with a sarcastic smile. 


"Lauren what is the meaning of this meeting" One of the leaders demands 

"Ryko, It is a matter of our security. Until the new threat to our kind is taken care of all supernatural beings are to reside here in Safe ground. Each pack and clan will have their areas. Wolves will have the East sector, while Vampires will have the West sector since it receives less sunlight. As for the witches and Warlocks you will reside here in my residence and assist the coven elders in finding a solution to our current situation" Lauren states 

"And what situation is it exactly?" The Vampire class leader asks 

"Kai has come back and is planning on using the twins' power to get rid of us" Lauren answers 

"Wasn't he trapped in a hell dimension?" Ryko argues 

"He escaped some how and now he is my problem to deal with so you will all do as I say" Lauren says with authority 

"What do you mean escaped. his prison was inescapable." The werewolf growls 

"I will find out who freed him and when I do they will pay but for now do as I ordered" Lauren barks making the man lower his head in submission. 

"The Witches will work in the Library to find out what could have happened, While the Wolfs will do perimeter patrol in intervals. Vampires will be the back up for the wolfs. Understood?" Normani orders 

"Wolf on me" Jeremy states 

"Vamps you are with me" Tyler says getting up. 

"Witches you report to my father" Lauren step and everyone nods in understanding. 

Having Kai loose was not a good thing. If he was a danger before being in a hell prison he was 20 times worse now. Lauren knew that someone let him free, she just needed to find out who and also find a way to send him back before he caused complete chaos. 

"Lauren RJ woke up" Camila says walking up to the older girl. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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