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"Were my eyes playing tricks on me or was Lauren about to kiss you last night?" Becky asks as they get ready for class. 

"Becky" Camila warns 

"I'll take that as a yes" Becky says smiling 

"Becky stop" Camila states 

"Oh come on Mila. It's obvious that she likes you and that you like her." Becky responds 

"It's not like that okay we are just friends" Camila replies 

"It didn't look like friendship last night. And the looks she gave you while you were playing darts or when she offered to show you how to play pool when she was playing against Normani. Please that girl has got it bad for you" Becky counters 

"Okay fine I may or may not like Lauren in that way, but still we are just friends" Camila admits 

"Oh I don't think she sees you as just a friend. Plus I've never seen her like that. All smiles and care free. Who knows maybe you'll be in line to be the next Mrs. Jauregui" Becky says 

"Alright Becky this conversation is now over" Camila states 

"Alright, alright all joking aside Mila. I think you two would be great together. Give her a change. If last night didn't say much, then one thing I know is that Lauren really like you. So maybe give it a try. Hang out with her without everyone else around, maybe you can be the one to get Lauren Jauregui to finally open up to someone" Becky says finishing her make up

"If I agree to this will you leave me alone?" Camila asks 

"One hundred percent. Just give it a try" Becky says 

"Fine. I'll see if she wants to hang out today" Camila responds then grabs her bag to head out. 


"You going to spill or do I have to get it out of you like a dentist pulling a tooth" Normani says looking at her best Friend. 

"No teeth pulling. What do you want to know" The older girl asks from the drivers seat as they head to campus 

"You and Camila what's going on there?" The dark skinned girl asks 

"I don't know Mani." Lauren responds 

"Do you like her" Normani asks 

"I mean yeah. She's really nice and um yeah" Lauren replies 

"Oh so this is way more then a crush then" Normani says noticing how her friend seems to be flustered 

"I think it is yeah. But She sees me as a Friend. I mean come on, I basically tried to kiss her last night and when that dumb ass Hussey appeared the moment was gone" Lauren counters 

"Yeah I saw. I don't know I'm not getting a good vide from that guy" Normani says 

"So I wasn't the only one who got that feeling. I mean his story doesn't seem to add up" Lauren replies 

"I agree. I mean a full week for the admissions board to finish transfer papers and then his story for being expelled. I don't know it doesn't feel right" Normani responds 

"I think we should have Ally and Dinah check into this guy" Lauren states 

"I agree. We'll have a talk with then once we get to campus. So when are you going to woman up and ask Camila out?" Normani asks 

"That will happen when you woman up and make your relationship with Becky more serious" Lauren answers 

"Hey me and Becky are serious" Normani counters 

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