Could it be?

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It was as if a whole life flashed in front of her eyes. The birth, the first steps, the first word, the first day of school, dealing with the bullies, having the first panic attack and them arriving to Boston for the first time. 

After seeing those images Lauren pulled away instantly and began to breath heavy. Making the younger girl worried 

"Lo, are you okay" Camila asks with concern

"We-We, we should go" Lauren says swallowing 

"Hey are you sure I mean we just, you know" Camila says indicating the obvious. Meaning they backing just dry humped each other into orgasm. 

Hearing Camila's words made the older girl close her eyes and take in a calming breath. She didn't want her feeling like what they did was wrong, hell it was far from it, but what she was unsure of were those images she say after biting into Camila's neck. And then it hits her. She bit Camila not with normal teeth but with her fangs. But wait why doesn't Camila have two holes on the side of her neck and why is there no blood. Lauren could have sworn she tasted blood. No she couldn't freak out now. She needed to have Camila not regret what they just did and then take her back to campus. 

"I'm fine" Lauren breaths out then opens her eyes 

"Positive?" Camila asks using her right had to caress the older girl's cheek

"I'm positive. It's just I never did that before and I just lost myself for a second. But are you okay?" Lauren asks taking the girl's hand in hers 

"Yeah I'm okay" Camila says giving Lauren a small smile but it wasn't one that causes worry just one that causes shyness 

"Do you maybe want me to take you back to campus?" Lauren asks not wanting to sound like a jerk

"I was wondering if maybe we could catch a movie instead. I mean it's Friday and we have no class tomorrow" Camila tries to argue 

"A movie sounds great but I kind of have to get back to my Parent's place you know can't leave my uncle Mika alone too long" Lauren replies 

"Oh right" Camila says in a dejected tone then begins to get off of Lauren's lap and move to the passenger seat. 

"How about we watch the movie at my parent's place. We have a home theater plus I think Uncle Mika is sick of seeing my face" Lauren states not wanting to see Camila's sad face ever again 

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean" Camila asks a bit concerned 

"I'm 100% positive. Plus my parent's house is a 10 minute drive from her" Lauren answers with a smile. 

God, she doesn't know what it is about this girl but she can't get enough of being around her. It's like they are magnetically connected. On top of that she needs to talk to her uncle about what happened and maybe if Mika sees her he can use his advanced skills to get a better read. 


"Niece is that you" Mika calls out when he hears the front door close 

"Yeah it's me" Lauren calls out walking into the Living room where her uncle is watching some rerun sitcom

"Ah good now we can talk about" the man starts and when he turns towards his niece he stops

"Ah and who might this be sobrinita?" The man asks 

"Uncle Mika, this is Camila, Camila meet my uncle Mika" Lauren introduces and prays that the older man does not embarrass her

"Lauren, is this the young lady you were telling me about earlier?" Mika asks 

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Camila says with a smile 

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