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The next morning did not bring Lauren the peace she was expecting. She was woken by her ring tone breaking the silence of the dorm room which as a result, made a grumpy Camila. On top of that it was 7:30 a.m. on a Saturday meaning she was no longer allowed to sleep in and boy did she want to sleep in especially with Camila cuddled up against her. 

"Hello" The green eyed girl answers in a sleep voice

"Lauren get to the house immediately" she hears her father order and she knows that she no longer has a choice. She had to leave Camila. 

"Dad it's 7:30 give me an hour and 30 minutes" Lauren says trying to find any way to get back into bed with the younger girl

"Do you not understand the word immediately. You have 15 minutes" Her father states then hangs up and the older girl groans 

"MMM Lo come back to bed" Camila whines pulling at the back of the older girl's shirt

"I'm sorry babe but I can't, that was my father. He needs me at the house immediately. His words not mine" Lauren states turning toward the girl and caressing away some hair that covered her beautiful face. 

"But its too earlier" Camila counters with a pout. 

"I know but if I don't go it will be worse. I promise that as soon as I'm done I'll be back and we can do what ever you want" Lauren says giving her small kisses 

"Are you trying to bribe me?" The younger girl asks 

"Depends is it working?" Lauren asks with a raised eyes brow

"mm I'll need a few more kisses to give you a definite answer" Camila responds and Lauren just smiles before placing more kisses against the younger girls lips. 

"Alright you can go but hurry back" Camila says giving a love struck smile 

"You got it" Lauren says giving the girl one more kiss before pulling on her jeans, getting into her sneakers and heading out the dorm and making sure it's locked to then head to her car. 

Yeah you can definitely say that Lauren was in a good mood after that. But what ever her father had in store was most likely about to ruin it for her. As she made her way towards her parents house. She called Normani, to see if her parents had called her about any meeting, yet her best friend says the only call she received was hers and no one else. That was odd. 

As Lauren got into the gates of her parents house she noticed that her Uncle Mika's Jeep was still  there and that no one else was around. After parking behind her uncle, Lauren got out and headed inside. 

"I'm here" She shouts out 

"In the Kitchen honey" She hears her mother respond

"So what is it that you needed me  home so early for. I was sleeping when dad called demanding I be here" Lauren states

"Your father hasn't called you. That man is still sleeping off the spell he cast last night to find your uncle's daughter" Clara says 

"Wait are you serious? But he called me and 7:30 this morning" Lauren argues 

"I can assure you mija, he didn't call you." Clara responds and Lauren's eyes bug out

"Fuck. I got to get to campus" Lauren says rushing to the front door. 

"Lauren what's going on?" Clara asks

"I'll tell you later mom. I just have to leave now" Lauren says leaving the house and getting in to her car.


She had finished washing her face and brushing her teeth, when she heard a knock on her door. She knew it couldn't be Becky because she had a key. Maybe it was Lauren. Feeling excited about seeing the older girl sooner than expected she opened the door and there she was, but she wasn't wearing the same jeans or shirt from the day before. This time she has a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top on with a flannel wrapped around her waist. Good lord did she look sexy as fuck. 

"Hey I wasn't expecting you back so soon. Was everything okay with your dad?" Camila asks 

"Something happened" Lauren says 

"Hey, you okay, what's wrong?" Camila says pulling her into the dorm and closing the door. 

"Normani got into a severe accident" Lauren says and Camila just pulls the older girl into a tight hug

"What happened?" Camila asks 

"She was out on her bike and it looks like she lost control and Crashed badly" Lauren responds and at that moment there is another knock on her dorm door.

"Shit, Give me a moment okay" Camila says getting up and heading to open her door only to find Lauren standing on the other side wearing the exact same clothes from last night. 

"What the fuck?" Camila says confused looking at her door way and at her bed

"Camz?" Lauren asks confused

"But you were just" Camila starts but is cut off 

"What happened" the Lauren at the door asks worried

"You were sitting on my" Camila says and in that second she hears hysteric laughter coming from her bed only to not see Lauren anymore but Mathew holding a sadistic smirk

"Dang Jauregui, you just had to show up didn't you" Mathew says getting up 

"Camila take my keys and wait for me in my car" Lauren orders with out looking away from Mathew

"Lo" Camila says in a worried tone. 

"Camz go know I promise to explain everything but right now go to my car and stay there until you see me come out." Lauren repeats and Camila did not say another word just grabbed the car keys and ran towards the Tesla that was parked outside. 

"You want to explain what this is Hussey?" Lauren asks while holding her hands in tight fist

"Oh the great tri-brid wants answers now. Tell me all powerful one, why the sudden interest in a human?" Mathew questions with out losing his smirk. 

"I won't repeat myself Hussey now answer me" Lauren demands with authority. 

"Oh Lauren this is where you are wrong. I don't take commands from you. You still haven't ascended yet. If I wanted I could break you into tiny pieces. But I won't do that today no. I will give you some advice though. Don't leave Camila alone. I'm not the only one keeping eyes on her" Mathew states and snaps his fingers then disappears.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" The older girl yells then runs out of the dorm room. 

Rushing back to her car Lauren pulls out her phone and makes a Call. "Emergency meeting" is all she says before hanging up. If what Mathew said was true then this was not advise it was a threat and she did not take threats lightly. 

"Camila unlock the car" Lauren says when she reaches her Tesla. 

"How do I know it's really you?" The younger girl asks grabbing a bat that Lauren had in her back seat.

"Ask me something only I would know about you and no one else" Lauren states 

"Okay, why did I really come to this town?" The younger girl asks and Lauren pulls out her phone to start a text since she doesn't know who could be around listening

"To find your biological parents." was sent  and in seconds the car is unlocked

"Are you okay, Did he hurt you?" Lauren asks when she gets in slamming her door shut and looks over Camila's features

"He didn't touch me no. but what is going on, what was that?" Camila asks 

"You are about to find out. We need to get to my Parent's house though so they can help explain." Lauren responds then zooms towards her parent's house. 

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