A Threatening Past

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Both Girls stayed Silent as they looked at the older man that was in front of them. They had no idea what he would do now after finding out what they had done and they were both scared. In one had they had to fear Mika possibly killing Lauren and on the other they now had the fear that Camila could have possibly gotten pregnant. 

"Were either of you thinking before you made the choice?" Mika finally says looking at both girls. 

"I-I" Camila starts

"No, you Camila were just brought into this insane world. But Lauren knows well enough to not make rash decisions" Mika lectures. 

"It was something we both wanted" Lauren defends 

"Oh so because you wanted it you just had to go ahead and throw all reason out the window" Mika semi yells at them

"We did not through reason out the window" Lauren states 

"Really so both of you sat down and had a full conversation about what your actions entitled? You sat and talked about the lasting bond, the fact that you no longer live for yourselves but for each other. Oh and did I mention the ever lasting loneliness yo will have to live with if one of you dies at an early age. Did you really talk about all that. That once that occurs there is no going back. You can never find another person to love after it happens. You are bond together forever" Mika says with anger causing his eyes to glow that golden color making Lauren's instincts kick in.

"Mika I think you need to calm down" Lauren warns trying to keep herself calm. and she rises to her feet

"Oh do not try and order me around Little girl" Mika growls out and in that moment Clara and Micheal both walking into the room 

"Mika I am warning you calm down" Lauren says again balling her fist as her temper begins to rise. 

"What is going on here" Clara states staring at her Daughter and uncle as the stare each other down. 

"Mother I suggest you do not get involved right now" Lauren says in a biting tone making Camila flinch. 

"Oh no, if you two are going to go at you will do that outside of my house. DO You hear me Lauren Michelle. I will not have your father clean up another one of your outrages" Clara says in a stern tone 

"Then I suggest you get Mika out of my room" Lauren says while taking deep breaths to remain in control of herself. 

"I will not move a muscle. If anything I what to know what made both of you think that it was okay to Mark each other. What was so dire that made you rush something that takes time" Mika all but shouts at Lauren and Camila

"You want to know why? You really want to know why I placed the final mark on your daughter?" Lauren yells out with rage causing the entire house to shake. 

"I did it because I can't fucking Live with out her. You have no idea what went through my mind the day I saw that warlock Hussey in her room posing as me or what went through my mind when he threatened her life. I wanted to murder him. Rip him apart piece by piece like a true Mikealson. The spitting image of Klaus when ever his family or loved one were threatened. I'd fucking give my life for her. Better yet I'd even renounce my powers just to be with her. I'm Love with her to the point it kills me. So if you want to crucify me for being selfish and giving her the final Mark go right ahead, Either way that's not going to change how I feel when it comes to her." Lauren says with full authority leaving the three adults speechless. 

"Lo" a soft voice says breaking the silence 

At the voice Lauren's defenses fall and she turns around to look at the brown eyed girl that stared back with watery eyes. 

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