Turning Point

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"Again Lauren" the man yells causing the 21 year old to groan in frustration 

"Don't give me that attitude now run it again" The older man orders 

"How is she doing?" the older woman asks standing next to the man 

"Being stubborn but then again it runs in the family" the man says smiling at the woman next to him

"Seriously uncle?" The woman asks 

"What I have to be hard on her Clara, you and I both know that your daughter is going to do great things but to do them she needs a push or two" Mika states 

"I agree but making her run this course, I couldn't even finish it before my ascension day" Clara states 

"I know but what are the odds that Lauren would be the one to have the same powers as your Grandmother Hope. Remember 300 years. Your mother waited 120 years before she found your father. And I waited 70 years before I found my other half. I know the family sticks to the I was 29 when I met my late wife, since I was able to hold the age. But I was pushing close to 100 when it happened. You were born when your mother was 130. After that is when, she let go of holding her age because she wanted to grow old with your father. When I met Lily I did the same and now is when I am looking gray an old. You know that after we let go of our hold on aging we can not go back. I need Lauren to show the straight of a leader because my dear child, I do not have mush time left on this Earth and if My daughter is found Lauren will be the only one to guide her in the right direction." Mika says watching as Lauren uses all her powers to get through the obstacles 

"Why did you never tell me about this" Clara asks 

"Clara you are like a daughter to me. You have no idea how much I wish to tell you, but you must understand that after you ascended your mother and I already know your choice in life. We noticed it the day we met Micheal. Your father noticed it too. Even though you are not a witch you are a descendent of one of the most powerful witches. You have always been attracted by magic and we decided not to put you at a point of choosing, so we let you decide on what made you happiest. As a result look what we got, Lauren. I know the loss of Christopher and Taylor was difficult but we got through it as a Family. If my mother were still alive when Lauren started to show signs of her powers she would have cried tears of joy. You know she always told us stories about your great grandparents and the family blood line. We come from a long line of leaders and most of them strong willed woman. You are more like one of our great aunts, while Lauren is a mix of her great, great Grand father and her great great uncle Elijah. Strong willed, powerful, a leader, but also considerate thoughtful, and looks at consequences before acting. Lauren can do this Clara I know she can" Mika states watching as Lauren finishes the final obstacle and surpassing her previous time. 


"Hey Normani have you seen Lauren?" The younger girl asks sitting next to her friend's girlfriend 

"Well hello to you too Camila and I have not seen much of her. Her uncle Mika is in town and well She's had to be around her parents house most of the time" Normani says giving half the truth. 

"Oh okay" Camila says 

"Why do you ask?" Normani questions 

"I was just wondering, she hasn't texted me in 2 days" Camila answers 

"I'll make sure to let her know, but is everything okay?" Normani asks 

"Uh yeah, everything is fine. I just wanted to talk with her." Camila replies. 

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